Friday, July 12, 2024

At sea again

Our last at sea day was Wednesday. I love seeing new places, but the ease of just simply being at sea is pretty amazing. Nothing to do and nowhere to be and eat whenever you want. I. Love. It. 

We met up that morning at the rock wall for family rock climbing. Adi, Damian, Jeanne, and I rocked it. 

Adi and Damian both rang the high bells and Jeanne and I both rang the kiddie bell. Because we’ve got nothing to prove. 

After that I hustled to the Schooner Lounge for them to announce the Around the World contest winner. Matt had spent a lot of his days collecting staff signatures from people from all different countries. Captains and directors were worth 50 point each and then there were some rare countries worth more, and then a bunch just worth 1 point each. 

I’m such a list crosser offer, that I supported him fully in his endeavor. But I was also glad when he was done and could hang out a little more. 🤣

He won a backpack (that’s already tearing) full of one of everything - a bag in a bag, cup, hat (that he gave to papa), stress ball, keychain, highlighter, and water bottle. The other teams highest score was in the 600’s but Matt was 859. He blew it out of the water and even met the ships captain. 

Wednesday was also team day, so we all donned our gear and caused quite the store around the ship. 

We got so many comments and looks and cheers all day. 

We also swam and hunted for ducks - we each got 3 to hide all worth varying amounts of points and finally at 3:30 I grabbed lunch from the closing buffet and ate it on our balcony (where i’m writing this blog right now). It’s so peaceful, I love it so much. 

I went straight from my lunch down to 80’s Name That Tune, so I wasn’t in costume because I thought I might go swim again. 

I wish I’d have gotten a pic of my crew in our different gear, but here’s Delaney and I. 

We sent this to the crew to remind them to come fully decked out to dinner - it was Dress to Impress night after all. 

Walking the promenade after shopping with D (we each got a credit to spend onboard because we’re such a big group) and we spotted a yellow teammate in the wild. It’s so fun running into each other randomly. 

Delaney bought a face paint stick, so she hooked taylor up. 

And we got official team pics at dinner. The green team!

Yellow because winners wear yellow!

Blue rocks! Max’ hat flew off his head on deck on day #2, so Taylor sacrificed his. 

The pink ladies!

The Orange Team looked like they were ready to serve us a hot dog or star in a kids show - so amazing!

And one more yellow shot to show off our socks. 

Kristi made a toast to the man of the hour - papa! This has been an amazing trip and it’s all because of his generosity. We’re so lucky!

After dinner we met up in the library for dominos then Skull King. These yahoos were playing chess. And there was only a little chess piece throwing. 

A fabulous last full day at sea!

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