Tuesday, July 23, 2024

A Tuesday

I had a presidency meeting this morning. Our last one was exactly a month ago today, so it was good to be together again. Then Delaney and I went to a cheap Tuesday movie. She’s a fun kid to hang out with and she is thoroughly enjoying flying as a solo lady this week. 

Ranier cherries are about the prettiest fruit in the world. They’re one of my favorites for sure. 

And you can tell what kind of day it is when I have one kid pic and 2 food ones. I made taylor’s mom’s bran muffins and they taste a lot like Royal Caribbeans. Not perfect, but I wonder if after I freeze them they’ll taste more similar. I hope they do the same wonderful things for my bowels that the others did, ifyouknowwhatimean

It’s been just a quiet and lovely day at the White House on Pensive Street. Matt got his annual raise which is wonderful because for many years he didn’t and he’s enjoying his new role in the company. 

It’s weird weird weird having just one child at home. I’ve been momming for 28 years (whaaaaat) and to be down to one if only for a week is so quiet and so different. 

Anyways, I got more cruise pictures! Game time in the library! I’m the only skull king score keeper, still. 

Dinners were most people’s favorite time of day. I want to go back to this table right here, even though the food was just so so. The company was top notch and I miss them. 


Trivia? Karaoke? 🤷‍♀️

I got a plateS like this every meal, ostensibly to share with Matt, but sometimes he didn’t get any. #ilovedessert

And amazing random picture takers. And Split! Croatia brought it! Who knew?!

Feels like this was one of my pictures that Frey shared accidentally. I wish iPhones would remember pictures you took originally vs we’re shared with you from others so when you go to share your own pictures you don’t share other peoples, you know?

I can feel the heat emanating off this picture. Athens, hot like the surface of the sun. 

And some from the love -

Delaney and Matt did a romantic sunset cruise out to a volcano in Santorini. 

They had a good time and I think Max would have enjoyed this excursion more than our 6 hour tour. 


So many cats and everyone of our crew went Gaga over them. 

They said the water in the hot springs was not hot and Delaney was a teeny bit scared swimming right off the boat. Thankfully she overcame that fear for cliff diving. 

Take me back. 

Ok, but these kittens are pretty cute. 

Gyros in Greece, complete with a few French fries for authenticity. 

The sunset part of their sunset cruise. 

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