Thursday, July 25, 2024

I’m learning to serve my friends

When Delaney and I planned out our week we talked about a service project we could do, and she chose to help the Skousens. I asked Brooke how we could help and gave her some ideas and she asked if we could take the boys for an afternoon. Last night Amy texted that they have loads of blueberries and blackberries and we were like perfect activity!

The boys loved it and even little Wyatt got into the picking and they were especially excited to take their loot home to share. 

When we got home Delaney made Mac and cheese and the boys and I made cookies, and then we hit the pool bwfore we dropped them back at home with cookies and berries to share. Everyone had a great day and I hope Delaney is learning to love to serve. 

Tonight Chelsea and I met up for birthday pedi’s, bath and body works, target shopping, and Brusters. It’s hard to say goodbye to her because even though we don’t live that far away from each other we see each other so rarely!

I sadly don’t have any new cruise pictures to share, but here’s one from YW last night. They are working on a huge project the women and young women of our coordinating council have been asked to do - I will always be with you hearts for terminally ill patients and their families. It’s a very sweet project and I’ve heard the hearts are kind of hard to make so it’s a real labor of love.  

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