Saturday, July 27, 2024


Delaney requested a beach day for her only child week and on Friday we were finally able to make it happen. We’d heard there weren’t any jellies, but whomp whomp, there were. It wasn’t as terrible as it’s been in years past, but still annoying and all the kids got stung. 

Delaney dug a pool for Ezra, but then his legs got stung so badly that he cuddled with Sarah the whole time. 

We visited for a few hours and then when Sarah and crew were ready to go, Delaney wasn’t. We kept Ellie with us and the girls went out rowing. We had talked about going to see Big Fish that night, but I was also fine to skip it and stay at the beach. But then I ran out of water so I gave the girls 30 minutes. I am worthless without water, I drink a ton. 

Delaney said she actually would really like to go see Big Fish, so Matt bbq’d chicken and we cleaned up and had a girls date night. Chelsea and her boys were there and we ended up having seats right next to Steve Howell, who loudly laughed and cheered Rachael and Ethan the whole time, so he was fun to sit next to. 

And it was a really sweet show. I liked the movie but hadn’t seen it in years, but the show was really well done. 

This talented friend always does a good job. I’d be so jealous if I didn’t love her so. 

This morning I woke up at 4:45, brushed my teeth, and headed to pick up these cuties from FSY. Pickup was at 7 and I needed gas and wanted to make sure I was there in plenty of time. I gave them a choice for ihop or something quick and after some cajoling they chose ihop. They were all happy and chatty and we had a lovely brekkie and actually a lovely ride home too. They all shared their funny stories, fav stories, worst moments, I got to hear about roommates and teachers and counselors, it was great. 

Adi set up our India Yum Box which was my least favorite we’ve ever had. That’s ok, different strokes for different folks. 

Adi and Frankie went to girls camp, were home 2 days, went to Europe, and then were only home 1 day before FSY, so we had a lazy at home movie day. We watched Big Fish and got pizza for dinner and have had a lovely relaxing day. 

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