Friday, July 19, 2024


We researched the metro strike and found that it’s been scheduled for today from 8:30-12:30 for a few months now. Our one day that we need the metro at the exact time we need the metro. Doh! At least we had warning and were able to plan ahead. *Also, Delaney enjoyed walking up the down escalator/people mover thing while we killed time. 

We decided to wake up at 6:30 and head out by 7:30 to make sure we arrived where we needed to be before the strike by 8:30. We pretty much rocked the Rome metro, I think because we’ve ridden a lot lately and also because it’s fairly simple with only 3 lines, as compared to Paris 10,003 lines. 

Anyway, we arrived to our tour spot by 8:00 and asked if we could take an earlier tour but were told nope. So we found a market ala Reading Market and perused the mostly meat and fruit/veg stands. We taste tested their version of Maryland stuffed ham and also saw blue crab! Felt like home. 

We bought some strawberries and pistachios and hung out on the steps to wait for our tour. 

We had a tour of 15 with Fredericka and it was such a good day. 

I was a little worried because it was a 7 hour tour and also 98° and we are pretty weary travelers. 

And while it was hot and long, it was also really great and I’m so glad we did it. 

The first thing we did was go to a new country - Vatican City. 

We saw St. Peter’s Basilica and walked all around the museums. 

We are not huge art people, but we do appreciate beauty and there was sooo much beauty. 

Her “stop taking pictures” face. 

Frankie’s usually got a smile for me though. 

Listen, he requested this shot. 

It was very crowded and did I mention it was hot?

Out the window. What must it be like to live in Vatican City?! We saw a nun at the market this morning and hypothesized about how she as buying food for the pope. Such a different life that I know so little about.  

Candid. ๐Ÿคฃ

We couldn't take pictures in the Sistine Chapel, but good news! we could in St. Peter’s. 

Fredericka gave us lots of interesting information and the other families in our group were friendly too. 

There was a family from S. Carolina that had 3 girls 16, 18, and 21, like us but a few years ahead, then a young couple expecting their first baby, and a mom with her 5 and 10 year olds, and she carried that 5 year old on her back for hours until the guys of the group offered to take turns. It was really sweet. 

We also took turns taking pictures for each other. ❤️

And helping each other know where and when to meet back up with our tour guide. 

Fredericka showed us where the pope appears for his weekly Sunday Angelus Address, circled below. 

Also where they release the white smoke when a new pope has been chosen. Also circled, because I’m thorough. 

After that we got an hour to shop and eat lunch. Against our better judgement we ate at the cafeteria there and that’s how we paid €70 for a very subpar lunch. Editors note - the Vatican is expensive. 

We took a short van ride to the Pantheon and I tried my best to get a selfie ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿผ 

We walked our hot little booties all around and to the Trevi Fountain and that place was *packed*. 

Fredericka pointed us to the best gelato and then we got change to throw over our right shoulders with our left hand and then we fought through the crowds of people so we could actually toss the coins. 

Adi and I went first and then I thought oh! I should get a picture!

There she goes!

And Frank’s turn. Matt hates fun, so he didn’t come down with us. 

We walked and walked some more. Thank goodness for all the water fountains, we drank a ton of water and never paid once again. 

She took us in the back way to the Colosseum which was lovely because no one was there.  

Rome is a really amazing city. 

Fredericka made sure to point out the “new buildings,” those built in the early 1900’s. This place is suh old!

An arch from the 1st (or 3rd, I can’t remember which was which) century. 

And there she is! What a wild and mostly terrible history this place has. 

I’m so glad to have grown up memories now of all these places I went to as a kid. 

We said goodbye to our tour group here and the girls were ready to peace out, but we made sure to walk all the way around and check out the different levels. 

Allll those sets of headphones. At least it makes for a cool looking fence. 

Matt had to go potty, 

And then he came back

Taaaa daaahhh

I tried several times to get more of the colosseum behind us, and the girls are no help in knowing how to position the camera and then what angle. 

A nice couple from Washington state came and offered to help and we gratefully took them up on their offer. 

It was 5:30 by this point and the subway was packed. Like people squeezed in and touching and not everyone in that metro car put on deodorant this morning ifyouknowwhatimean. And also it felt like over 100° today, so it wasn’t the most pleasant but we made it. 

Showers and leftovers and Netflix were the order of the evening. And on our second to last night in Europe we’re having lights out by 10 so we can be up and at ‘em early and enjoy our last day. 

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