Saturday, October 17, 2020

Summer 2018 Day #77

The last installment. We gave it all we had today playing at the beach, wrapped that up with playing at our pool, and finally, a night-before-school family home evening. 
It was an epic summer. We traveled around 8500 miles through 13 different states. We laid our heads in 13 different beds and swam in 10 different places, from pools all across the country, to the Atlantic Ocean, Russian River, Dale Hollow Lake, and our own beautifully brown Potomac. We saw all 3 grandparents, all 5 of my siblings, and 3 of Matt’s. We played with 16 cousins, plus 5 dog cousins. 

We’re going to bed tonight with grateful hearts for the summer we had, and looking forward to a wonderfully blessed school year ahead! (our big girl’s last year in elementary school! 😢)

These 2 (Frankie and Curtis) friends since birth are paddle board pros.

Moms gotta document. 

It might have slimy sand and jelly fish and be dirty and not have great waves, but we do love our little beach. 

The 10-year-old crew hung out all day at Treehouse Island. They’d kayak back for food and drinks, but that’s about it. Love the magic of their imaginations!

Too much fun and not many pictures, but I grabbed a few.

These little kayaks have been so fun for our kiddos. I can’t remember if Alecia or Sarah found them first, but bravo to whoever did. We love them. 

Frankie’s gotten to be a pretty good little babysitter. Give her all the babies, she loves them!

2020 me is all 😍 baby Frankie and baby Isla! 😍

And everyone helped out during our family home evening object lesson.

We talked about how it’s easy to squeeze out toothpaste - and to say unkind things. 

But impossible to put the toothpaste back - or unsay unkind things. Incidentally, we are all still working on this one in 2020. 

Last bit of summer - fathers blessings. 

I’ve been recording them for the last few years and I have every intention of scribing them in the girls journals, but haven’t done it yet. 

What’s that they say about what the road to hell is paved with? 🤷‍♀️😩

***2020 final note***
It’s been so fun to look back at one of our best summer’s, and also I’m ready to be back to my regularly sporadic current blogging. 💕

1 comment:

The two old crows said...

It sounds like a great and fun summer.