Monday, October 19, 2020

Day #218

I have had a wonderful few weeks. From my weekend away with Matt, to camping, to a whirlwind Nola trip, it’s been fun things to look forward to and an exciting break to the monotony of covid. And now it’s over and back to reality and I am tired and not feeling great and grumpy. The price to be paid for galavanting is kids behind in homeschool, dog hair covered everything (new vacuum doesn’t  arrive till Wednesday), extra makeup tutoring, crumby and sticky tables and counters, a fridge that looks like wildebeests ransacked it, 3 girls in desperate need of a long shower and good scalp scrubbing, a big pile of mail, and a long to do list. And did I mention I’m tired? 

It’s ok to have a blah day (s?) and I wouldn’t change anything. It’s just back to reality with a 2x4 today and I’m tired. I was just falling asleep twice last night when first Tenkor and then delaney made noises to wake me up. And then, even though I was exhausted, I couldn’t sleep. Fun! Then after about 2 hours Tenkor again started making noises. Matt took her out, but the damage was done. I tossed and turned and finally grabbed my phone. I blogged and read and then Matt and I talked until 6am. So. Tired. 

I had to have the van back by 9, so we woke up at 7:30 - 3 and a half hours of broken up sleep for those keeping track, and quickly unloaded the boxes into our garage, still full of camping stuff that was drying out and didn’t get put away due to Matt’s surprise weekend of work. We got the van back and I went back to bed because I’m mom of the year. Thus the day has gone. 

And thus is life. Good and bad. Fun and monotonous. Energized and tired. We have to experience the bad to appreciate the good. I’ve always struggled with this with social media and blogging. I don’t want to act like life is all tra-la-la, happy and easy, but also it’s not the worst ever. So I will leave this exhaustion induced tirade here in the spirit of better and happier days before and after. 

****2pm edition πŸ‘†πŸΌ

****8pm edition πŸ‘‡πŸ»

I am happy to report that I was able to turn the day around. I got the girls set up for piano and then did my makeup tutoring sesh with Ruby. Then, even though I was tired, we all took Tenkor for a walk to papa’s to return his laptop that I had to borrow because I also needed the iPad for teaching and the girls needed a laptop for piano. So many laptops. 

Anyways, we spent 45 minutes walking the half mile to dads because I’m really trying to teach Tenkor not to be a little creep and pull at her leash all the time. We loaded up with 2 of the school lunch sandwiches for treats and every time she pulled, we’d gently make her come back and sit and then reward her after she was calm for awhile. Repeat 83 times. This morning she totally reared up when she spotted another dog, so that’s awesome too. This is very much my first rodeo when it comes to dog training, so one thing at a time. I am trying a calm approach with a deep voice and no yelling. We’ll see how it goes. 

So it turns out exercise, fresh fair, and family time do actually improve ones mood, even when one is pooped. I know these things, I just forget constantly. I felt better after visiting with dad for awhile and we happily made our way back home. T pooped twice, once in the brush on the path and once in the grass by the siren. Frankie lost the odd man out and had to pick it up and then Addie lost the paper, rock, scissors and had to carry it home. Like I’m teaching Tenkor, I am the alpha, so I only plan to pick up poo when absolutely necessary. I also taught the girls the preamble to the constitution on our walk home. Home school civics ✅.

We piecemealed dinner, including an mre Addie’s been itching to try, and then had ice cream while we read scriptures. We had our weekly zoom call with the missionaries and that was great. We talked about conference again, which I am still soaking up, so it was a great discussion. It’s almost 9pm and I’m done for the day and praying for a better nights sleep. 

Zoom screenshot with the elders. 😍

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