Saturday, October 24, 2020

Day #221


Pictures from our Wednesday boo. 

‘‘Twas a normal day. We did all the new normal things. Bubba and Jeannie came over and it was good to see them. They helped us take Alli’s boxes to the Aina’s attic where they will be stored for a few monthes. 

That night we had our annual stake organization training via Zoom. Bro. Gibbons talked about our worth in God’s eyes. Sister Isaccson talked about relief society activities- they are activities again, not additional relief society meetings, and Sister Slade talked about ministering. They were all good, but Kitty’s portion was excellent. 

She talked about how sometimes we come up with the perfect speech/idea/lecture for our kids, and we just know they’re going to learn and love and change their ways. And they’re like “ok, cool. Thanks.” And how our Savior, when He taught people really worked to know them, and tailored what He said and how He taught to their specific needs. She talked about how she prays for us each by name, and I know that is true. I’ve had Stake leaders that were great, but I felt pretty certain they couldn’t pick me out of a lineup. I am so grateful to have a real, supportive, vulnerable, strong woman leader and friend as my Stake relief society president for the past few years. Kitty has moved and I’m sure will be released soon’ish and I just really love and appreciate her. 

And I found these silly pictures of the girls on my phone from when I was in my meeting. 👆🏼 

We had a presidency meeting right after. It’s been very helpful to check in with each other weekly and make sure all our weird covid ducks are in a row. 

I watched the last half of the last presidential debate while I ate a sad popcorn dinner. I miss the delicious dinner we get at our stake organization trainings of yore. Among other things. 

When I went up to bed Delaney, who is still staying up late, late, late reading in her room, told me to look for a few botes in my room. This one I had to use D’s secret decoder pen to find the message - it was to look in my drawer for another message. 

This was the note in my nightstand - it is for a “vurtule tharapist any time you’d like.” Delaney is so sweet - always leaving cute notes for everyone. And always wanting notes in return. I would like to check our her virtual therapy and see what she has to say. I’ll report back. 

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