Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Day #220

I did early morning Tenkor duty. 6:30 was cool and beautiful, but then I was ready for a nap by 9:30. I managed to stave it off till 2:00, but I’m still not 100% back to normal from my galavanting. And also I believe in naps. 🤷‍♀️

Matt and I had our appt’s for our new real id licenses at the MVA. It was quick and relatively painless. My picture is not going to be great, I already know. It was rushed and wearing a mask doesn’t really lend itself to quick and nice drivers license pics, but it’s fine. 

Addie had a bonfire with the yw tonight, so Alecia, Sarah, and I took the opportunity to get ice cream. We sat outside and chatted and it was a nice break. Then on the way home from the bonfire Addie and I had a heart to heart. It was special and emotional and I’m so grateful for all this extra time with her. It’s hard, but most things worth doing are. Frankie and I had a fun and silly chat when we walked Tenkor earlier today too. She told me alllllll about pop tropica and then we talked about how she was doing. She said it’s hard, but she doesn’t want to focus on that, because there’s a lot of good. She said it in a cuter way. We’ve got some amazing kids and we’re figuring this thing out. 

We’ve all been going on Tenkor’s pre-bed walk. Our neighborhood is festive and fun with Halloween decorations, so our nighttime walks have been more entertaining than normal. It was warm this afternoon and cool tonight and it’s just the best time of year. 

Oh! We got boo’d while Addie and I were out. We’ve got some ideas for our boo’s, but need to walk during the daytime to see who is still in need. 

In other exciting news - we got our vacuum today and I LOVE it! A canister where I can see all the garbage I’m vacuuming up is amazing. It’s so fulfilling! Not having a cord makes it easy to maneuver and it works like a dream on the hardwood. I hate sweeping, especially dog fur that just kind of gets swirled around, so this is very exciting. I vacuumed the whole first floor when we got home from our activity tonight, and I’m so excited to finish vacuuming tomorrow! I love a freshly vacuumed floor and I love a job where you can see your progress, so this is a total win. I also think the house already smells fresher, but that’s probably just my confirmation bias showing. 

Our one pic of the day - nighttime walk buddies. 

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