Thursday, June 28, 2012


this morning laney woke up at 5 for her early morning feeding. daddy got dressed a few minutes later and, as she was lying in a milk drunken stupor, talked to her and woke her up. so then we played and ate and ate and played, till she finally fell back to sleep at 7.

frankie woke up at 7... can you see where this is going? they're all in on it together, i tell you, this conspiracy to keep me loopy from lack of sleep.

oh well, at least they were both sweet early risers. frankie was all "i love you sooo much!" and "you're beautiful!" and hugs and kisses. yesterday we checked out a "mermaid" themed backpack from the library and she has officially claimed it. so of course she put it on first thing this morning.

then we took some pictures together.

aaand a silly shot.
the girls "silly face" is back.
with a vengeance. 
addie finally woke up at 9 and we headed to aina's after breakfast for a kid swap.

then, long story (and day) short, i cleaned, cleaned, cleaned. then when i picked the girls up, we stayed for a delicious bbq dinner. since matt has a late class it was just the girls and i.

love summer grilling! love kid swaps! love clean houses!

this concludes today.

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