Friday, November 27, 2020

Day #257

Matt worked. I slept in till 8:30 and then went for a long run. It was another nice warm day. When I got back I found the girls looking at their yearbooks and telling fun school stories. I got to hear about when Addie got in trouble and had to sit on the bench and when her friend Abby peeled Addie’s banana and Addie was so upset she hid under the table. Frankie explained to me how she was popular and how they didn’t do much math in 4th grade, mostly just science. It was fun listening to their silly stories. 

Papa came over for a leftover t-day lunch and he also shared some stories. I knew my grandpa had left bone early, but I learned that he left home at 14, never got past 8th grade, and got a job on the railroad. I can’t imagine Addie leaving home in 2 years. What a strong, amazing grandpa. 

Our big and exciting outing of the day was picking up Tenkor from training. We were so excited we all went to see how she did. We had to wait about 30 minutes, so we played toilet tag and red rover. It was fun and also exhausting. Tenkor was so excited excited to see us. She ran from person to person and licked and jumped and smelled us. They let us get reacquainted with her and then came in and showed us some tricks. At one point a bunch of dogs started barking and she didn’t bat an eyelash, so that’s super good. She did really well for the trainer, so we are pretty hopeful and exciting. Alli took her for a walk tonight but they didn’t encounter any dogs, which is going to be the real test. She’s so happy to be home, it’s very cute. 

We had more leftovers for dinner and tonight we’re watching The One and Only Ivan for family movie night. We’ve been enjoying our break from school.

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