Thursday, November 19, 2020

Day #244-249

These kids, I tell ya. Addie takes turns helping Frankie. 😍

We worked on re-decopauging the girls letters and listened to the end of Making Bombs for Hitler. Then I even got them all put back up. That is a project I’ve put off for at least a year? Why?  Lu made a print for that empty frame and I got it sent to Staples, so we’re coming along. 

On Saturday Matt worked. I popped over to a cute outdoor baby shower. Then I had a bunch of ministering interviews. Carolee has been sick and has a lot going on, so I am taking over her route and I’m trying to get done before thanksgiving. It’s been so fun meeting (virtually) with Carolee’s route, I wish we would have rotated sooner. We just keep learning and adjusting and trying. The rest of the day I worked on putting the finishing touches on my talk. I was actually done and felt good about it by that evening, so that was a blessing. 

I found Addie reading to Delaney one night. That Addie has some pre-teen hormones going on, but she’s got a heart of gold. 

On Sunday we got to go to church in the chapel. It made such a difference! I didn’t think it would feel that different, but it really was wonderful to be with 50 members of our ward family in the chapel. Tony and I spoke about gospel confidence and I think it went well. We had talked about ideas for talks the week before at ward council and I had shared that I’d been thinking about how having gospel confidence is so important and can make all the difference in our relationship with Heavenly Father and our ability to magnify our callings and minister. Later that day Steve called and asked me to talk about gospel confidence, so it was pretty perfect. A few more ministering interviews and then we all enjoyed watching the 150th anniversary celebration of the Young Women. We had a lovely Sunday. 

Monday was school, more mi’s, piano, and a presidency meeting. Groundhog Day all over again? Basically. Alli and I wrote out our thanksgiving shopping list and checked what we had and finalized everything. 

On Tuesday Alli and I headed out early. First stop to the dump where we got rid of our old guest room bed and mattress, busted vacuum cleaner, and tv. Then Aldi, where we got almost everything, beat the lines, and were out of there within 30 minutes. We hit Marshall’s, then Walmart to finish our grocery shopping. Quick stop at Bath and Body Works to stock up on Christmas soaps and we were home before noon. I saw this goofy shirt at Walmart and had to. 

I stayed up late that night. Another job I’ve put off for years - printing Halloween pictures of costumes through the years. I haven’t printed them since 2010. 😳 every year I say I’m gonna do it, and every year I put back away empty frames. This year I really do have the time, I mean sort of. I realized why I stopped printing them. It’s because I didn’t have pictures of all the kids together and that made me so sad I couldn’t bring myself to do it. One year I even had the girls put on their costumes from the previous year to see if I could make that work, but it was ridiculous. Managing a blended family can be tricky and emotional, and that just felt like more than I could do. I’m facing family pictures without lexi for the first time ever, and since she’s 24, married, and pregnant with baby #2, i guess that’s pretty good that this will be the first one without her. Anyways, I also realized I take truly crap Halloween pictures. But I managed to get one from each year ordered. Also, some years pictures are missing, so that’s lame. I had to order some from this here blog, so hopefully they’ll turn out. Then I ordered the bookcases from ikea that I had my heart set on. My nightstand is chock full of books and I’m so excited to have a bookcase in my room. I ended up staying up till 2 getting things done. I love when that happens, even though I was pooped the next day. 

On Wednesday morning papa came and picked Frankie up for a little date. She got up early and took a shower to be all ready for the day. But then her hair was wet and it was cold - oopsie. 

They had a photography lesson. 

Frankie came home and asked me if I knew that photography was art. It was cute. They also picked up donuts. The girls love their dates with papa. 
The little girls had a fun primary activity. Colleen dropped off all the supplies to make a cute thankful turkey and I was so thankful to not have to gather it all myself x2. Matt had his primary activity with the boys too. 

Matt put up our guitar holders I got him for Christmas 5+ years ago. We weren’t sure where they should go, but I think they look good here. They’ve been sitting in this corner for awhile, so they might as well be on the wall. 

The girls and i organized in the basement and got rid of some old toys they no longer play with. It looks and feels great. Also, this is the girls art wall that Alli helped me put up a few weeks ago. Little by little. 

Covid cases keep creeping up and it’s getting cold, cold, cold. We had a family meeting and talked about things we could do to make life more fun and happy for each other. We are all excited for a slow December and the opportunity to learn about other cultures Christmas traditions and watch all the Christmas movies and listen to all the Christmas music. I will miss the parties and concerts and programs, but also this is probably the month I am most excited to be home for. I can’t remember a calm and peaceful December, and I am thrilled to be able to focus on the Savior and our family. 

Today was a rough school day. Frankie is not getting division. Every day it’s like it’s a whole new concept. We had tears, prayers, and apologies. Thank goodness earth is forgiveness school. We’re getting pretty good at that up in here. 

Tenkor goes to school tomorrow and we’re all excited and anxious for her to be gone for a week. We’ve given her lots of loves. Matt loves picking her up for some reason. I grabbed my phone and got a pic of them right before he clumsily half dropped her. 

Mike also has a German shepherd, so Matt send him a pick up your dog challenge, and he happily obliged. 😂

For the first time ever, I am attempting to over-winter my plants. We’ve had a few light freezes, and just today my fern started looking rough. I hope it doesn’t die. I have watered these guys everyday, sometimes 2-3 times a day all summer. I’m pretty proud these still look so good, and I think I know what to do next. 🤞🏼 

Tutoring and a few more MI’s done today. I’ve got 19/44 ministering interviews done, with 3 more scheduled this weekend. We’re getting there. And tonight a movie in our cozy basement. It is a school night, but we deserve this after our hard day. 💕

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