Saturday, November 21, 2020

Day #251

I went shopping this morning to all the stores. 🙄 I needed suction cups for window wreaths from target, planter pots from Lowe’s, to pickup prints at staples, a few good sale items from Harris teeter, and the rest of the food from Aldi. I dropped stuff off at the church and picked ornaments up from Chelsea. A lot of stops gets me feeling ready to be home. We put up our new family theme for 2021. 

And Frankie’s. Lexi made these both and her creative new skill is definitely my favorite of her talents right now. That is a whole talented family over there. 

Cade is building Emmett a big boy bed...

To match a crib he’s going to build for baby brother. 

Also, they got one of our Christmas presents from us - an extra seat and accessories for their stroller, and Emmett loved it. It’s so weird that he’s eating in this picture. 😂 that is a boy that takes right after his mimi, we both loooove to eat. 

The girls helped me trim my petunias back to overwinter them. It was so sad to me to cut all these pretty flowers that I have lovingly tended for so long. 

I guess this is what it’s like for normal people, but remember, I have never kept outdoor plants alive all summer. 

D flipped the camera to get a cute shot of herself. 

I also trimmed back my fern and the girls planted the Amish succulents we bought a few months ago. They also took some of mine that I’ve been growing approximately forever and planted them in jars and small pots. 

We made a huge mess and then I grabbed the leaf blower and blew the whole thing into our yard. The fed ex guy came as I was blowing everything off and said he liked my “sweeping.” 😂🤷‍♀️

It was another gorgeous day. Addie mowed the front yard, we brought in some Christmas bins from the shed and put up the tree, we tutored and piano’d and the girls went to the stream. The little girls went to papas to watch a movie and Addie took a bath. I ministering interviewed and made spaghetti for dinner and cleaned a bathroom. Matt worked and he’s always so happy to come home. He almost always comes home happy and that is such a blessing. 

Aunt Jeanne shared this cute picture of grandpa Ray and his family and I just loved it. I would have loved a little redhead, but maybe it will skip a generation?

Today’s grateful post: I’m grateful for good books, for good podcasts, and especially grateful to be this perfect boys Mimi. #givethanks

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