Saturday, November 14, 2020

Day #243

I had a meeting up north and figured since I was halfway, I might as well go to ikea. I snapped this of Matt as I passed by as he was working there Friday. 

I knew I’d be gone most of the day so I asked Sarah if the girls could play. I told them to finish their school and piano and then they could go. They are such good girls. Even if they do show up to play hungry. 🙄😩

Apparently papa dropped off candy bars for them and Delaney’s was so perfect she had to send me a picture. 😂 we like food. 

I waited in a 30-45 minute line to return a shelf that didn’t fit and then found most of what I wanted unavailable. It is always fun to walk around Ikea though, and I bought some fun mini Christmas trees and advent calendars. 

One of the many reasons I wanted to go to ikea is that we have some Aussie friends that are heading back home soon. Their families will often get a large jenga game, leave it on their porch, and ask friends to come write messages to remember their years in the states. We were writing our messages (as the movers were working cause that’s how we roll) and she was running off all the things they are still giving away, and one was a full size mattress that was sent to them by mistake 2 years ago and that they’ve only had in their guest room. Used mattresses are kind of gross, but this situation seems like one of the least gross ways to get a new mattress, and since our guest bed is apparently super uncomfortable, and only a twin, we decided to take the mattress and I was able to get an inexpensive bed frame and slats at ikea. Then Alli, Matt, and I walked over and got a masked tour around truly one of the weirdest LG houses I’ve ever seen, and then walked the mattress back holding it over our heads. I was the caboose in this endeavor, and I can tell you, we looked ridiculous. 😂 but it was an easy way to carry it and I am looking forward to hearing how Alli’s first night on the new mattress went. 

Alli made pizza for dinner and after scriptures and prayers (Matt’s working early again Saturday), all the girls caught up on mondays dancing with the stars. We’ve never watched before but it’s actually super fun and the girls love it. 

Also, President Nelson will be sharing a short message of hope next week and I am so ready. 💕
Thankfully this months Friday the 13th passed by uneventfully. Last Friday the 13th was the beginning of lockdown and though I’m not superstitious, I’m a little stitious, and it’s 2020, soooo. 🤷‍♀️ (The Office is the funniest!)

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