Sunday, November 1, 2020

Day #229-230

Alli and I took Tenkor to meet with the trainers at Applejack. She got in, so yay! She’ll go for a week starting 11/20. 

That night we watched Hocus Pocus. Because I’m lazy, I copied this from my dads Fb. 

“It's Jiffy Pop!! "It's as much fun to make as it is to eat!!" And, by golly, it was fun to make. And I enjoyed the heck out of eating it.

But I also made the girls listen to my little story about Jiffy Pop. When I was overseas in '68, my Mom, bless her heart, would send me care packages of snacks, etc. In these small packages she would include a Jiffy Pop. It was great eating some hot, fresh popcorn. I wasn't too good at popping it up with my little electric burner but that never affected the taste for me. So I got to tell them about my Mother's love and the fear and pain she felt when I went overseas.

For this evening, all the largest children (the alleged adults) took a turn shaking the Jiffy on the stove. And, as you can see, it turned out Dee-Lish!!

The movie, the company and the popcorn were all great!!”

I don’t remember the last time we made jiffy pop, so that was fun. 

Halloween was a busy one. I wrote out a schedule to make sure we’d get everything done. 

Auntie Alli wanted to carve pumpkins, one of my least fav mom jobs so we don’t usually carve, but I was happy to cheer someone else on in that endeavor. . 

I got everyone set up and then went and took a shower. It was perfect. 

Addie had already gotten her hair colored that morning. She’ll be a ginger for a month. 

Finished product. I can’t remember what it was. 

Addie’s been opting for stoic poses lately. Reminds me of Cosette!

She’s pretty great!

Auntie Alli was kind of the mvp now that I think of it. She wanted me to be true to character, so she straightened my hair. I was just gonna leave it curly. 🀷‍♀️ she did D’s hair without putting anything inside. I was impressed. 

We picked up pizza at 4 so we could trick or treat early. 

And then it was time to put on lipstick and costumes. Oh, and Alli sprayed D’s hair so it would be darker. 

She took one for the team by being the weirdest Sanderson sister. 

And she basically nailed the mouth. 


I made them do the walk. πŸ˜‚

I took lots of trick or treating pictures because it was so different this year. And we forgot to get a group shot. 🀦‍♀️

We loved t or t’ing in the daylight! It was so nice!

We didn’t ring any doorbells, we only went to houses with candy out on tables or people outside handing it out. 

The neighborhood kids went at 4:30. I was glad to go early to avoid later crowds, but it never got too terrible. 

Lots of creative mask wearing. 

It was harder to tell who they were after Addie headed out with Abby. 

Trick or treating 2020 style. 

Most houses participated still, so that was fun. 

The shoots were cool and creative.  

The Harry Potter house was awesome. You could go to the trick (Zonko’s) side, or the treat (Honeydukes) side. All our girls chose Zonko’s and the catapulted candy at them. Ellie and Adeline wc  try illy caught theirs too!

This house had tongs out, so Delaney helped Isla pick some candy. 

This house had a plexiglass jail set up. People are so clever!

Love, love, love. We’re not gonna let 2020 ruin our fun. 

This was a very ambitious 2 story shoot. 

We got back home by around 6:30 and everyone was super happy with their haul. We had D take a shower right away, so Alli took down her hair. 

And some papa shots!

Working the buck teeth. 

Alli and Tenkor were the bullies - Jay and Ice. πŸ˜‚

The whole crew. L-R - Billy, Allison, Jay, Ernie - aka Ice, and Sarah, Winifred, and Mary Sanderson.


Love these crazies. 

This picture was so funny to me. I probably make this face more than I think I do. 

It was in response to Addie not wanting Frankie to walk with them. Frankie actually took it like a champ and had a great time with our crew. 

And they’re off! They mapped out the whole neighborhood and I think they hit every house. They came home around 8. 

And finally, our cute astronaut and Martian. 

Emmi is enjoying being thoroughly loved on by everyone in Oregon. 

We had a wonderfully different Halloween. 

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