Tuesday, May 31, 2016

6 months

I've been the Relief Society President for 6 months (yesterday). And that's something. It's been amazing and terrible, all at once, but I think often the really big and good things in life are. Having a baby, getting married, moving, getting a new job, all super high on the stress meter, and all (in my opinion) amazing and terrible at the same time.

I've done a wedding, 2 funerals, 4 moves (I think), 1 sacrament talk, 1 arm talk, 2 lessons, arranged 1 marriage fireside, presidency meetings almost every week, and more visits than i can count. I've listened to every Julie B. Beck radio channel interview there is. I've watched every online RS training on lds.org, and read many more. I've had amazing experiences, and terrible, embarrassing ones. I've helped and hurt. I am trying, and wish I was better. But I'm learning and growing, and that's what matters. It's often painful and not my favorite thing, but I know the growing is necessary. 

This was at Addie's piano lesson right before I went to sister Everett's viewing. I was sitting there waiting for Matt to come from work so we could trade off kids, and Frankie came and wanted to take pics together. I was looking at this picture just trying to figure out where we were and why my hair was actually done. That's what led to this whole train of thought. 
When I got called I googled "new RS president" and read everything I could, and there's not a lot from a personal point of view, which got me thinking I should write about my experiences. So maybe I will. 

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