Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Moving out and moving in

Wowee, it’s been a busy time around here. 

Today we cleaned and prepped and then cleaned some more. Papa moved in Monday and Dan and Chan are coming tomorrow so we worked most of the day. We also got my dads apartment all cleaned out and looking fabulous. Feels so good to be done after a long and physical day. 

Working my way backwards, we’d run into a moving glitch, so yesterday we reformulated our whole plan and everything came together pretty perfectly. Uhaul has been so great with my mistake, then my dad and I talked over every scenario under the sun before landing on me driving the uhaul down this weekend. I was able to find movers in FL to unload him Tuesday, and got a really great nonstop flight for Frankie and I, and papa was able to get us a room at the same hotel he’s staying in in SC. Then I went to MakerSpace because I had picked up my friends shift in exchange for her taking my Monday, which ended up working perfectly because I won’t be in town Monday. Sam, and Mike & Nicole showed up to help load up the moving truck, and since we’d brought almost everything down on Monday it went super fast. I think our helpers were there for an hour. I felt bad for being last minute, but it really helped us so much. Then after our long day of decisions papa took us out to Salsa’s where we ran into Pablo. He showed me pictures of the buck he hunted and we talked about how ready we are for Christian to be home. Also, Sam asked us to be a ma and pa on Trek and we told him yes, but only if we are not Adi’s ma and pa. It was her request and I’m choosing not to be offended by it.  

On Monday evening Sarah and girls helped move the rest of the boxes down while Matt disassembled the bed and couch, and it went really quickly. Today marks 3 days in a row where my move goal has been blown out of the water. But I think Monday was the first time I’ve ever hit 200%.

Hahaha, my mini pod. 🤦‍♀️ there were a few tense moments on Monday as we tried to Tetris everything in before calling it a day. I readily admitted fault and everyone was understanding. I mean, i watched a video and they had a ton of stuff in theirs. 🤷‍♀️ Plus also I haven’t moved in 13 years and we’ve had professional movers our last 3 moves,, so I am understandably rusty. 

On Monday after piano we picked up pizza for our night’o‘moving and my dad got this amazing candid shot of us watching a video on how best to load a pod. 

I finally ordered our 2021 family picture. Why did it take me so long? The world may never know. 

On Sunday Amber and I spoke in the Spanish branch. Next time I do that I’m bringing Matt to translate for me. They also want him to speak since the Branch loves to hear from new people. He would have come Sunday, but there was a linger longer after church and the girls really wanted to go to it. Then that evening Matt drove a jolly green full of guys to the Stake Priesthood Meeting in Calvert. The girls and I went to papas and I packed and they played. 

On Saturday the big girls came with me to the Capitol Super Saturday. Their Relief Society president, ViAnn asked for me to bring them to participate, show support, and pad their numbers. They had over 40 women there, but it was sweet that she invited them. 

They had this amazing balloon arch Photo Booth, so we took some pictures. The gym was freezing, so I kept my coat on the whole time. Only took it off for a few pictures. 

I’m so proud of these girls. Adi did every activity but blinging crocs, and Frankie did several too and they were both so friendly and outgoing, even with a whole RS full of people they didn’t know. 

We had some deep conversations on the way home. We talked about abortion and transgender people and all the things. These girls are so good and thoughtful.  

Both years I’ve gone to this Laurie has made a million cookies for people to practice decorating with royal icing. Adi and I loved that table. My fav is the loopy swoopy Christmas tree. It was almost too pretty to eat. After, we went to Sam’s for gas, pizza, and a few other items. Then finally home for 30 minutes before heading to clean the church, only it was mostly done by the time we’d set up to go clean. Chicfila for dinner, then finally home again. I still needed to organize my thoughts for my talk the next day.

Alli came down Friday and we had a going away party for papa. We made meatloaf, mashed potato’s, pumpkin pie, and Queso with bacon. The party was Adi’s idea and we loved it. She’s a sweet girl. 

And our outtake. 😂 Alli and I went shopping that morning, for the party and thanksgiving, then I met the Lexington Park Relief Society president to make a ministering visit with the sweetest lady. 

And finally. I’ve been missing my mom lately. 

I hope so too. 

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