Thursday, November 3, 2022

Last day on PEI

Panmure Island Lighthouse was my next climbing light. 

Cute little light out in the middle of nowhere island. 

Window love. 

The rooms inside are surprisingly spacious. 

It was a beautiful warm day. It was supposed to have rained every day, so I was especially happy. 

Another 30 minutes down the road and through another neighborhood, the Douse Point Range Lights. 

The front light is tucked back in a yard, but I could make it out behind the covered pile. 

Just 5 minutes away we’re the Murray Harbor Range Lights, which I couldn’t get close to. The rear is always taller. 

And then the tiny Front Light. 

I guess maybe I could have walked over, but timing and being alone. 

She’s a pretty little thing. 

And the last light on my trek around the island was the Cape Bear Lighthouse. 

It’s so crazy that they let you go into a tower with a working lens. They would never do that in the US. 

Just before 4pm. 

After Cape Bear, I started making my way to Charlottetown for my show. 

And I ended up having enough time to hit Point Prim. It’s an open light so I had skipped it when I first went west, hoping I’d have time to visit when I could climb. And I did. 🤗


Ship ladders. 

I can handle a short ship ladder. It’s the tall ones that trip me up. 

So bright, and my eyes are so sensitive to bright. 

Much better. 

It was low tide and there were several people out exploring. 

I’ve thought about my trip and the way it was run, run, run. I’m so happy with how everything went and all I was able to do, so I don’t have any regrets. And it was relaxing because I was by myself and spent a load of time in the car. ButI think I might have also liked a slow vacation. But then I also didn’t want to miss out on anything. So longer. The answer is definitely a longer trip. 

Almost done on Prince Edward Island, the place of my dreams. I was ready and also sad. Who knows if I’ll ever make it back. 

From Point Prim it was just an hour to Charlottetown. I really wanted to sit down and eat somewhere, but places looked busy and nothing felt right. 

So then I thought I’d order something in the theatre. But all they had was chips and candy, so I got both. And then ended up with a sad tummy, so it wasn’t the most enjoyable show for me. It was very cute and I’m glad I went, but I could have done with a proper dinner and no stomachache. 

Wednesday’s trek. There were less than 5 things I’d have liked to do on PEI that I didn’t get to. I’m so happy I was able to squeeze so much in. 

And back in Montana David was able to visit with Lexi-Lu. He travels to Great Falls frequently and always makes an effort to see Lexi and family. 💕

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