Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Prince Edward Island - western route part 1

I had hoped to sleep in that first day, but no such luck. I’m sure I was too excited. I had mapped out all my lighthouses and all my Anne stops, but didn’t really have an order or a day picked for anything. Since it was so early, I decided to head west and do some lighthousing and see where the day would take me. 

Prince Edward Island is the prettiest little place. Water and flowers and farms everywhere you look. I was on cloud 9. I loved this cute Orwell Cove School I passed on my way.  

And my first lighthouse of the trip, straight from the Shire. The Brush Wharf Range Front Lighthouse on private property. I was on a teeny side street and took a picture from my car. 

Listen, I took a lot of pictures and I’m including them all. I usually try go easy (believe it or not šŸ¤£), but I’m letting them all hang out this time. So. Pretty. 

Lighthouse #2 - Hazard Point Front Range Lighthouse. Zoomed in shot. 

This tall guy was also on private property, and this is how far back I had to stand. 

From across the street I could see the Hazard Point Rear Range Light. PEI is all about the range lights. 

I drove through Charlottetown, the biggest city on PEI, and popped into a grocery store for muffins and to peruse. I love seeing grocery stores in far away places and the different foods. I sent this to the girls because I thought it was funny. Cheez Whiz spread. šŸ¤·‍♀️

I walked over to the Dollar Store, only it wasn’t a real dollar store. I held out for nicer souvies and just browsed.  

15 minutes down the road to the Brighton Beach Range Front Light. 

I walked all around and really took my time. I did a lot of praying and talking to my mom and crying. It was cathartic being in a place I love and doing things I love. It was healing and I’m so grateful for this whole experience. It was just what I needed. 

This was in a little neighborhood, just at the end of a road. 

I left the car parked there and walked to find the BB Rear Range Light. It took awhile, but I finally pulled the Google map back up and saw the shadow of the lighthouse, and that’s how I ended up finding it. So clever, I can be!

Such a funny rocket spaceship looking lighthouse, just smack dab in the middle of a neighborhood. 

Next I drove about an hour to the Port La Joye - Fort Amherst Historic Site. 

Prudence! Cliff erosion!

The Warren Cove Range Lights are at this pretty historic site. The Front Light. And if you’ve read Anne books, you know all about the red clay soil of PEI. It’s perfect for farming, especially potatoes, because of the high iron content. 

I love that the light was on! ♥️

Then a short stroll down this path to the Rear Light. 

It was the perfect cool day. It was supposed to rain all day, but just stayed overcast and cool until I headed home for the night, and then it rained. Blessings. 

View from the Rear Light, down the path to the Front Range and out to Sea. 

A short drive to the Blockhouse Point Lighthouse. 

There was an older German couple van life’ing it there while I was there. I didn’t see a lot of other people on my westerly route, so I remember the ones I did see. 

I would have liked to search for treasures during low tide, but this place was stinky. 

German van life’er coming out of my ponytail. šŸ˜‚

At this point I am 4 hours, 7 lighthouses and 30 pictures in, so we’ll take a break. 

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