Friday, March 6, 2020


Matt and girls are skiing/snowboarding in Canaan Valley today. I’m so glad they love it. I wish I did too, but I don’t. One of these days I’ll go snowshoeing, cause I think I might dig that. And maybe one day I’ll snowboard again. Who knows. 
Dad and I tried out Slice House and I enjoyed a delicious cilantro chicken pizza. His Parmesan was good too. 

Lu sent me a pic of this happy guy. 

Chris borrowed a tall ladder and cleaned our outside dryer vent. 

He also cane inside and cleaned the duct. 

We all have the same dryer vent issues in the LG, so I posted on our neighborhood page that Chris could clean vents Saturday, and he’s got 11 people lined up! So cool!

This girl came in 3rd on her pacer test. I don’t think she feels like an athlete a lot of days, so I was so happy for her! I so want all my kids to know how strong they are. 

It’s Dr. Seuss week, but the days were pretty boring. Wear red, now wear green, now wacky tacky. Boring. They do love a good tacky day, so I grabbed this as we walked to school. 

Makey makey fun on hat day. 

Sandy went lighthousing and sent me this map. I love me a lighthouse buddy!

The girls loving having the Aina’s living nearby, and they all love the stream. Sarah sent me these fun shots. 

I love when they can play and be kids even though they are growing up. 

Dad and I went to dc for an appt. I brought the somd thug life with me, I guess. 

I was trying to get a shot of the Capitol, but you can’t see if because of the grey day. 

This boy is ridiculous. Canadian tuxedo and cowboy boots? 🤦‍♀️

We celebrated Dr. Seuss’s birthday with green eggs and ham and cat in the hat pancakes. This pic was taken right before I stormed out to the car. We’ve got some dinner issues going on, and I know I’m part of the problem. Needing a family council fo sho. 

Frankie got a package from Roslyn in Italy and she was SOOO excited!

A cute light up dolphin, she was so thrilled! We’re hoping to see their family when we’re there this summer. 🤗

Last Friday these fools went skiing in Virginia. Apparently at one point they got separated and Laney proceeded to ski for half an hour by herself. She went up the lift several times and down the mountain, all by her 8 year old lonesome. I guess it’s good that she’s independent? 🤦‍♀️

Frankie the snowboarder. Could her dad be any happier? No. The answer is no. 

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