Saturday, March 28, 2020


Matt and I were able to wake up early and perform sealing ordinances in the temple. 

Josh and Alecia got our girls up, fed, and ready for the day so we could go. We have the best friends!

We met the gang after the temple and got to touring. 

We learned about the different places from the missionaries and toured the replica buildings. 

We felt like some butter, so...

We found a sacred frog. 

These cute friends had the best time. 

Matt’s a sucka. Not really, he’s a good daddy. 

We had talked to them ahead of time about being reverent in the sacred grove. We reminded them that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ came to this special place and that we wanted espect it and feel the spirit. 

But they were with their friends and 7 kids under 11 aren’t the most reverent of people. We did take a few minutes to sit quietly and pray, and I felt the spirit. i know Heavenly Father loves these little ones, even when they are silly and louder than they should be. 

It was a warm day so we sat in the shade for awhile. 

We had an adventure trying to find lunch. There are like, 3 places to eat and they were either closed or crazy busy. I’m the end we scrounged our roadtrip snacks and Josh grabbed some drinks from a convenience store.  

Then we went to the Grandin printing press where they published the first Book of Mormon. 

Our one and only picture of the whole group. 😍

Alecia’s mom reserved a church house in palmyra and set up an amazing lunch. Her brother and all of his family, plus all of Alecia’s sisters and their families were there. And the Ray’s! 😂 We felt a little bit like interlopers, but everyone was so gracious and friendly. And after our makeshift lunch, we were all famished. 

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