Friday, March 20, 2020

Day #5

I forgot to share 2 pics from yesterday. They’re real yin and yang, so it’ll be good. 

Firstly, tulips! My favorite and every year when they bloom I am so happy!

And then, here’s Delaney’s back after Addie hit her with a stick. 🤦‍♀️ we’ve had a lot of together time, and it’s almost all good. 

In the interest of social distancing from neighbor kids, we had our first field trip. First stop - free lunch for the school girls! We didn’t know that they gave extra on Friday's! They each fit like 4 mills and tons of snacks and treats! And their principal was handing them out today, so that was fun too. 

We took Matt for his first trip to Purse State Park to hunt for shark teeth. Today was 80+ degrees and tomorrow is supposed to rain, so we thought it would be a good day. It was SO windy!

And not the warmest down by the water. 

And also the waves were super choppy!

Whomp, whomp. We still had fun and found tons of sea glass and shark teeth. But then out container blew over because it was so windy, and we lost our good shark teeth. Oops. 

Frankie, Addie, and I went for a hike on the bluff.

And then the grossest beach experience ever - a dead pig washed up on shore!!! Or maybe a very bloated raccoon, according to Matt, who buried it, but from my vantage point it looked like a chubby pig. Matt carefully moved it with a stick and buried it with our beach shovels. I am SO glad the girls weren’t swimming and that Matt was there. Sooo gross. 🤢

After Purse Park, we checked out the ghost ship graveyard at Mallows Bay. It’s been on my to do list for years and even though we’ve been out to Purse several times, I never realized it was right next to it! You can see a big steel ship to the right of our heads. 

Making up for the back hit. 

It was ridiculously windy! I almost lost my hat. 

My quarantine buddies. We still like each other! (Minus the stick incident)

We’re having an early to bed night tonight. I’ve been staying up way too late, tossing and turning, and waking up too early. So we came home, had spaghetti, watched Bolt, and ready for Come Follow Me. 

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