Sunday, January 19, 2020


We slept well in our own beds and woke up at a leisurely pace. Matt and I worked together to make Lana’s delicious Asian pasta salad to share at our first linger longer of 2020. We had a nice ward council where everyone shared and we all worked together, my favorite kind. Then a lovely service with good speakers and lesson about Lehi’s vision. We had a baptism meeting for our almost 8-year-olds and helped set up for the LL. Today was also my monthly meeting with bishop. I’ve been blessed to work with 2 bishops that I feel value and appreciate my input and perspective, and I do theirs as well. We counsel and learn together and it’s always time well spent. I go to lots of meetings and I don’t mind when I am able to learn from them, and I am happy to say that that is almost always the case. 

On my way home I followed a prompting and stopped at Bubba’s house. He’s got so many things to figure out in his life and he’s got some hurdles to overcome. Life can be challenging and he’s had some big ones. He’s such a good, generous, smart, and loving guy. He’ll figure it out, even if he takes the long way to do it. I’m a big fan. 

This goofy grin got me like 😍.

Papa has been taking each girl to lunch, and he and Frankie went to Bob Evans where they had lunch and hot chocolate. 


Rainbow Ellie Sparkles hid some goodies in a solo cup Forrest one day. 

One shot from our challenging afternoon of gingerbread house making. I’m so glad for a good sense of humor, family that forgives, and the ability to try again on the reg. 

We played lots of games over the break. One of the girls new favs was Apples to Apples. It is a very random game with them, but that’s how that game goes. 

D got to bring home her SOAR award, so awkward, so sweet. 

Meaghan made this for us and I thought it was so cute. I love Christmas magic. 

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