Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Recognition night

Tonight was Addie's first activity days recognition night. It was a living museum of female scripture characters and it was very cute.
These 4-yo little sisters were pretty cute too.
They could make something or dress up like their scripture hero. Addie chose to dress up.
She chose Abish. Her last line was "Abish was a great missionary, and I will be too!" It was cute. She wrote the whole thing herself, I only corrected her on minor embellishments and helped her remember the story. Other than that, all her. That Anne of Green Gables reading is really paying off.
Yesterday I was making dinner and i broke out Shelly's tomatoes. Totally reminded me of my sweet friend that I miss. Reminded me also of all the times I remembered Lana as I finished off marinades and salad dressings. Why do people have to move away?
This little lady. She was so sick, and since this weekend she's been super tired and still doesn't have a great appetite. She's a sweet little sickie though. On Monday she woke up happy and upbeat, but midway through breakfast she started whimpering and said "my forehead hurts!" After we sent the girls off to school we went right up to my bed and cuddled and she took a 3 1/2 hour nap. It was just what she needed, because after that she was fever free.
I have some regrets about not cuddling my babies as much as I should have when they were little little, but days like Monday ease that regret.

Sunday was the primary program. These kids and their teachers did awesome!
Laney was feeling well in the morning and didn't have a fever, so we took a chance and took her to church. Then she crashed in sacrament meeting. I asked if she wanted to do her part and she cried "no!" Poor baby. Her first program, and she said her part so cutely. 

On Sunday evening Jodie hosted a going away party for the Neilsons. Another family we are losing. Thank goodness there have been 5 new families moved in this past month! Yay for us!

On Saturday Sarah and I went for a walk. We walked Three Notch Trail and it was just gorgeous. Good friends and a good walk.
That night was Women's Conference. It was Addie's first one to go to, and it was sweet to have her there with me. I'm so exited for General conference weekend!

Frankie made herself a Nutella sandwich one day. She asked for chocolate chips, but I said Nutella was enough chocolate for her. She was busy sandwich making for a long time, and this is why. Butterfly sandwich with pb spots.
She's so sweet. And if you know my house really well, you'll know which room I was coming out of when she showed me. (;

Today has rained alllll day long. Rain and thunder. It's supposed to rain till Sunday. Good thing I enjoy a rainy day, and especially a rainy night. 

And one cute thing. Laney was playing dolls the other day and I heard her say "hi relief society girls! Do you love my shoes?!?" I love that relief society is a major part of her vocabulary. And I love that she's so very complementary. Because she doesn't just ask for compliments, she also dishes them out quite liberally. 

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