Thursday, February 11, 2010

Spic and Span

I finally got bit by a cleaning bug. I figured the house needed one last thorough cleaning before the baby invasion. And since she's coming early, we needed to get it done! :) Since I am in no shape to do it all myself, everyone pitched in. I love when everyone helps and it all gets done in one day! Now my back hurts, but it's so worth it! There's just nothing like a clean house!  Now to get those hospital bags packed and then I think we're ready for baby! At least as ready as we're gonna be!

1 comment:

Heather B said...

Okay! I will officially fly you all out here to clean my house! Oh wait, the airports are closed. Sorry. I wish I could say you've inspired me to get my rear in gear and clean it all up, but I think your earlier post inspired me to put on a movie and paint my nails instead! Take care, and stay safe.