Sunday, February 7, 2010


Christian is always coming up with new and clever ways to entertain Addie. Some safe, some not so much. Here is one of the more questionable ways. But Addie is a third child and I try not to sweat the small stuff.

And she loves her brother, and all the fun stuff he does with her SO much!

One of Christian's jobs is to go up the street and get the mail everyday. He usually takes Addie with him because of course she LOVES to follow and go anywhere with him! I was summoned outside after they had gone to get the mail so I could see how they had cruised.

That's when Christian informed me that he had dutifully bundled Addie up (this was a few weeks ago after one of our lighter snow storms), put her in her stroller, and pushed her while riding his skateboard. Then he let me know that they had planned another excursion up the street to show her the (at that time) almost completed Tot-Lot, so I broke out the camera.

Here they are getting ready to go. Notice Christians shorts, man, I'm making myself look like a pretty bad mom here! Oh well. Even though Addie doesn't look excited, I asked her if she wanted to come in and she screamed "NO!" I take that to mean she really wanted to go with her bubba! And who am I to deny such fun?!

And they're off...

And for all you critics out there, this is way better than him actually holding her while skateboarding, which he's been known to do as well!

C'est la vie!

1 comment:

Lana said...

cute! that's a cute boy you've got there, and you are right, that looks much less scary then him skateboarding down the road with Addie in his arms. She was smiling though and he did look pretty stable:)