Sunday, June 30, 2024

More girls camp - picture version

More shared pictures: these are in backwards order. 🤷‍♀️

Dating game awesomeness. 

Delaney in her classic boy ensemble. 

Pretty good, right?

President Boyd brought the most sour candy in the world and Frankie got chosen to try it. 

Laney was so jelly. 

She’s starting the teen photo dodge early. 

They made these cool reefs. 

But they didn’t love it because it’s hard to work in groups and it was so very hot. 

I love the close relationships that are formed at girls camp. ❤️

Delaney’s work. ❤️

Just call her Papa D. 

YCL corner in the cabin. 

Delaney and Christina hung out a lot. ❤️

Precious angel. 

So studious. 

Adi volunteered to get dumped on? 🤷‍♀️

They had to go through these in a way no one else had so Delaney did cartwheels. 

Uncle David said my sisters and I never met a camera we didn’t like, and I guess Frankie’s the same way. 😂

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