Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Funday Friday

I offered Alecia to use our kayaks so Friday morning Frankie and I went out to pull them around to the front. There were a few wasps flying around, but nothing too concerning. We struggled to pull the kayak out and when we flipped it over I spotted a wasp nest in the back storage compartment. I yelled for Frankie to run and she took off towards the door of the shed and I ran smack into the nearest garden bed. I was *this* close to falling into it, I totally bent back one of the poles. I seriously thought 40 angry wasps were going to come swarming out at us. I had to drop adi off to babysit then and when we got back, after donning a jacket with hood I bravely went back and found 2 wasp nests, one with a few wasps still on it. Listen, I’m no beekeeper, and I didn’t know what we’d uncover with the other kayak either, so I told Alecia I couldn’t handle it. Josh ended up coming over with wasp spray and killed *1* wasp. 😂😂😂 It was quite an eventful morning. Pictured below - our aborted mission. 

We picked up the Fraziers and headed to Gilbert Run Park for an adventure. 

We hiked the trails first and the kids went off ahead and we got to chat. 

Then it was time for paddle boats, so fun!

And also so hot! Those yellow boats are major heat reflectors!

We came back and got these pink cheeked kiddos some ice creams for all their hard work. 

We were trying to figure out what to do with the rest of our afternoon and Frankie suggested SkyZone. We didn’t have our socks and weren’t planning on it, but we said let’s be spontaneous and headed there. 

It ended up being glow jump, so not only did we have to buy new socks all around, but new shirts too. Whomp whomp. The kids had fun and Nola and I lucked out when someone left 30 minutes paid for on one of their massage chairs! It was a really lovely day and we’re going to miss these friends sooooo much when they move!

We hit the pool that evening and Delaney tried to get a picture of herself with her goggles filled with water, but you can’t really tell. 

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