Thursday, June 20, 2024


Monday morning I had a presidency meeting. Since I’m leaving Monday it will be our last one for awhile. Alli stayed the night so we hung out. Then at 11 we went to the high school for some free food. We ❤️ free food. One of my neighbors had posted about the schools giving it out so we went to see what they had. 

That afternoon Adi drove all of us in the jolly green giant up to see Inside Out 2. Alli’s first time driving with her. šŸ˜‚

We met up with Darrow’s and ate our weight in popcorn and it was a fun and cute movie. I’m an easy movie watcher though, I just enjoy the experience.  

Alli did haircuts when we got home and then we hit our pool for an evening swim. 

On Tuesday we met up with Darrows for some Wildwood pool time. D missed the pool youth activity because of dance, so I had promised her we’d try to go. Alecia and I swam and chatted and didn’t think to take a single picture. Adi’s been chauffeuring me around all summer, so I was able to grab a shot on our way home. 

We made homemade chickfila nuggets - teaching the girls about cooking chicken - and they are deep into Stranger Things, so they watched that. They’ve been staying up after we go to bed to watch together. Our time at home this summer is short, so we’re rolling with it and saying yes as much as we can. 

Yesterday was a mostly stay at home day. They cleaned their rooms, which honestly it feels like they do every day and every day it feels like it’s messy again. But whatever. We also packed for girls camp and with 4 of us going that is not as easy as you might thing. 4 sunblocks, 4 mini shampoos, 4 flashlights, etc. We left at 11 to run errands, then I dropped the girls at the store for their sister shopping trip. They each had $20 and are buying one sister something fun to do on our flights. They agreed no one would be mad and they’re so excited about it and I think it’s adorable. Amy H. had set up a blood drive at our church building so I went and donated a pint. I hadn’t donated blood since before my year’s’ surgeries in 2022, so I was a little nervous, but I ate spinach salads everyday for a week and ate red meat the day before and I drank so.much.water. I always drink a lot, but I drank even more than usual. And I was the 2nd donor hooked up and the first one out. I even sat my 15 minutes with my snack and I was still the only one done, so my water intake paid off. Amy took a picture of me being so brave. šŸ˜‚

Delaney got promoted to ballet 3! She was saying she didn’t want to continue next year because she didn’t think she’d be moved up, but we got the email yesterday and she’s not fully committed yet but she’s very intrigue. She thinks she’ll like contemporary and she knows she’ll like being with older girls. Delaney is on the far left in the very back row here. šŸ‘‡šŸ» 

We are eating all of our open dry goods and fresh food, so I made homemade chicken noodle soup for dinner and then after youth activities Delaney made a s’mores rice crispy treat. She made a huge mess and I’d just mopped the floors and done the dishes, but it’s all a learning experience. 

Since we’re going straight from girls camp to our trip we’re working hard to get all our stuff done. It feels never ending and I had a few moments of frustrated irritation yesterday with all my tasks, but we’re getting it done and still finding time to enjoy these sweet summer days. 

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