Thursday, June 6, 2024

1 more wake up

We’re having a family picture taken on the cruise when we’re all together, so we’re busy organizing picture outfits - the shirts here, not the bottoms. 

I got back from Florida on Thursday and got stuck in the worst traffic getting on the freeway coming home. Friday was a catch up, shopping, taking dinner to a friend, Hayden’s birthday party kind of day. Then Saturday was Hannah’s graduation party. The Gravelles always have a fun slide and the girls loved playing so much that when Matt and I had to leave to get ready for stake conference, I asked Nola to bring them home.  

Party food is the best food. 

The Fraziers are moving and I’m so sad. Why do so many of my favorites have to move???

Saturday afternoon we went to the leadership training for stake conference with Elder Pingree from the 70. He was fabulous, so down to earth and personable and shared wonderful stories. Josh and I did a quick ministering training that went well, and then Elder Pingree had invited all the relief society presidents and their husbands to a light dinner. I love that he recognized the rsp’s and their unsung hero hubbies! It was so nice to eat with these 8 wonderful ladies. He asked them to share a little about themselves, one concern they have, and one blessing of serving. It was really special. Then the adult session of conference was wonderful and it was nice to have a night with Matt. 

We enjoyed conference from home on Sunday. I do love to go, but have been traveling so much and May is so busy and we have so much to get ready for in June that we decided it was best for our family. 

We went to Jacob Lyons homecoming ice cream party - my little primary kids are all grown up! Then Johnna wanted to see the girls one more time before Mondays recital. It was so sweet sitting with my family and our dear friend/piano teacher enjoying the girls talents and beautiful music. 

Monday was Adi’s (and Alexis’!)  birthday, which will have its own post, so I’ll skip to Tuesday. Delaney asked Adi for some math help and these two getting along seems to happen less and less so I had to capture the sweetness. We are not a mathy family. 

Wednesday was field day and it started off cloudy and cool which was v nice. And then… the rain started. Accu weather said it would only last about 15 minutes, so most people just carried on. I pulled my giant connect 4 games under a tree canopy and it was great.

And then it started raining harder and thundering and the finally made an announcement to come inside. I was pretty soaked. 

They had all the parents meet in the cafeteria, but I was able to spend that time taking down the last of my teacher appreciation week decor. They asked me to leave it up because it was so cute and fun. 

They rearranged everything and got set up inside what they could. By this point there were way too many parents inside and it was pretty chaotic. I found Delaney and asked if she minded if I left and if she wanted to come with me. 

Of course she was soaking too, I knew she would be, she loves playing in the rain.
She decided she’d stay for the PAW’s ticket store and Rita’s, so I headed home without her and finished organizing my closet. 

And a few more old meme’s I found on my phone. I have over 10,000 pictures and lots of videos and I’m fixing to move them all to a hard drive so that’s why I’ve been cleaning them all out. 


I need this every hour. I can’t wait to know the angels all around me. 

And yesss, Charles Darwin, I get that way too, usually at a certain time of month. 

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