Thursday, June 13, 2024

Errands and ballet and curry

We spent yesterday morning at home cleaning out backpacks and bedrooms and prepping for camp and vacay. At 2:00 we all loaded up and went to delaneys dentist appt. One of her tasks this month is to blow this ball up and keep it hovering as long as she can. 

We popped over to Marshall’s and Famous Footwear and I mailed some Father’s Day cards at the post office, and then headed to Panera for an early dinner. They gave Delaney onion soup by mistake (we were in the bathroom doing her ballet hair) and they were so kind, they offered us to keep the soup and I asked if I could get it to go and then they gave me a whole new onion soup. A++customer service. 

We dropped Delaney off at ballet, hit up Aldi, dropped big girls at the Wildewood pool, and then I met with Manuela to talk JustServe. *Adi flips

Aaannnd Adi drove us to all our errands. She’s getting pretty comfortable and racking up those hours. *Frankie flips

It was chilly chilly but they had fun. 

I picked D up and Sarah brought the girls home and we finally finished The Ickabog. We started this in 2020 (?) and then forgot about it and I’ve been reading it while they get ready for bed and it’s been a sweet time with them. Reading together is one of our favorite pastimes. 

I’ve been waking up at 6 (why!!!!!) and this morning Matt and I made a quick decision to go on base and get my new ID. Like a real dumb dumb I lost my id flying home from Orlando. I haven’t lost something important like that in a hot minute. Anyway, I didn’t even worry about the fact that I haven’t washed my hair in a few days or what I would wear. Meh. 🤷‍♀️ We were able to get it done fairly easily and ran a few errands and made it home by 9:30. Today’s been an at home day. Some of my girls *cough, cough Frankie and Delaney* are very slow workers. They all decided to clean out drawers too, so that’s slowed down progress. 

Anyways, they helped me vacuum out Matt’s car and clean my bathroom so I was pretty happy. Adi made a yummy curry recipe she got from Sarah Cox because they have a shared love of Indian food, and I took this little ballerina to her last mega practice before their performance. It’s been a ballet heavy week and we’re excited to see the show and excited to be done with all these rehearsals. Aaaand she did her own hair and makeup today. 

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