Monday, June 10, 2024

The first weekend of Summer 2024

Saturday was a fun one. The Kinneys had a going away party at Dorsey Park so we went early and stayed and visited with friends till noon. I got to catch up with several people I haven’t seen in a long time, so that was nice. 

Delaney has ballet at 12:15, so I took her there and Matt, Adi, and Frankie headed to Solomon’s for his work picnic. 

D and I got there at the very end so while they enjoyed the last of the bounce house, Matt and I packed a 9x13 full of leftovers and went for a walk. 

Then we hit the pool! We jumped off the diving board, slid down the slide, and swam swam swam. It’s so fun to play with these big kids! We swam for 3 hours and then adi, Delaney and I stayed just a few more minutes after Frankie and Matt left. 

Sunday was a nice day too. I went to LP and then Pax and then had a quick mission meeting. We walked, ate bbq leftovers for dinner, and watched The Saratov Approach. We also watched to Elder Bowen’s conference talk for family night tonight and he shared the story of being arrested as missionary and now our girls are convinced being a missionary is pret-ty dangerous. 

We’ve got a fun first week of summer planned and first up was the mall! Adi drove us to Waldorf and she did.a great job! The girls have been pushing back on clothes. They want shorter shorts and dresses and shirts and to dress more like everyone else. Modesty is tricky, but I’d been praying and we had a good chat on our way and the spirit helped me know what to say and it went really well. We all compromised and it was such a good day. 

Delaney found her shoes all shiny and new and compared them to her old busted ones and we all laughed. 

These girls never go to the mall, so we did the whole darn thing and stopped in at the food court for snacks. 

D loves to pick things that are too big for her and she found some cargo pants she loved but that were way too long and she was a little upset that I said no to them. So she was super happy to find her size at H&M. She tried on both pairs to see which she liked better. 

She went with the green. 

We walked the whole mall and found all but 3 things on our list. We left home at 11 and got back home at 6 and it was super fab. 

We grabbed 30 minutes at the pool but it was pretty chilly so we didn’t last long. We came home for family night and played some fun games for our activity. 

The flour cutting game first,

Which I lost because I made it collapse. 

Then we took turns pouring water till Frankie finally made it overflow. 

I had seen these games awhile ago and grabbed screenshots and as I’ve been cleaning out my pics I found them again and finally remembered to play them. 

They were fun a silly and everyone enjoy them. 

So far summer 2024 has been A+. 

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