Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Dancey weekend

We cleaned the church Saturday morning. The girls talked Matt into going at 10 instead of 9 so they could sleep in. 😂 we had a busy evening, so as soon as we got home I made a pan of enchiladas for lunch/dinner and we headed to the pool. Kloe was there so Matt and I played colors with the girls and when your old sometimes you get a Charley horse as your swim chasing 12-year-olds. 😂😂 The girls were very sweet about him. 

Delaney and I headed down to St. Mary’s City at 4 so I could usher for her dance performance. It was so good! Delaney loves to be on stage! She wishes she had more dances so she could be up there longer. Leisa took a few pictures for us and I had to laugh at this one as we clearly weren’t ready. 

Matt made her candy bouquet this year. Thankfully she reminded me that she’d like one because I had forgotten. 

So many friends came and it was fun to chat with them after. 

Delaney loves those glasses but they drive me crazy because they’re crooked so I finally got rid of them and have her an old pair I had. 

All the girls did so great! Lily danced in so many of the numbers and made it look so effortless. Matt was saying how fun it is to see little Lily all grown up and doing something all on her own. It’s been a beautiful experience watching all these kids grow up. Josh’s sister told me when Delaney came out she was like “there’s Adi! But wait, she doesn’t look Lily’s age…” haha, our twins. 

Sunday was Father’s Day and our healthy dad requested a yogurt bar. I bought a variety of fancy yogurts and served strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, almonds, coconut, granola, and mini chocolate chips. 

It was *so* good! Simple and yummy! Matt and I went for a long walk before church. 

Church was lovely and then it was present time. He’s terrible to shop for, but I had a few good ideas of things I knew he wanted/needed, so it went well. 

We love this guy!

Alli came down for the show and she and D and I headed back down for the last night of American Heirlooms. 

Alli loved it too, it’s fun to show what D’s been working on. 

She was a Barnum and Bailey dancer, which is why her outfit is so much. Matt made her a candy lei necklace for this night. 

And some awesome post dance hair!

We found out yesterday she got moved up to ballet 3, so for now at least she’s excited about that. I hope she stays excited!

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