Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Florida one more time!

The day after the mariners game I had stake council from 7-9 then met with Josh for an hour to plan our ministering assignment for stake conference. We were both excited to work together and talk about something we love. 

I stayed for the sacrament in the Capitol ward then headed to Huntington station and then the airport. Amy waited for me at the Orlando airport and we rode the Village Shuttle down to dad’s house. It was nice to have a shuttle buddy *and* we got dropped off second instead of last, so it was our lucky day!

We met up with this fun crew for dinner and then we made everyone get a picture. Uncle David says we girls have never met a camera we didn’t like, and I guess growing up with our dad we had to be that way. 

We went to brekkie at The Flying Biscuit the next day, and yes, the heavenly grits are still heavenly. Then it was packing day! Our dad is very organized and with the 3 sisters working everything went quickly and smoothly. We put Darcie to work shredding and Steve was the mvp pod loader. He loaded and unloaded that thing till everything fit in perfectly, it was impressive. 

And then it was time for this brother sister pair to say their goodbyes. These Seagrove boys got so lucky with their baby sister. She is sooooo patient and easy going and puts up with a lot! It’s been so fun spending time with her these past few years. 

After Darcie and Steve left, we put our dad to bed and hit the pool. It was so nice to be done with our packing and able to relax together in the warm warm pool. We had a frozen dinner buffet in an attempt to clean out dads freezer and got all showered and to bed for our Tuesday adventure. 

I’ll skip over Tuesday for this blog, and go to Wednesday’s activities. We woke up early and headed out for errands, which we finished before 11 and we were pretty proud of ourselves. We had a few returns to make, thrift store donations, dropped off some old medicines, and picked up a new one. Alli headed out that afternoon and after we put our dad down for a nap (😉) Amy and I hit the pool. Dave and Fran brought over KFC for dinner and we had a nice visit with them. And then it was time for these brothers to say goodbye.  

They love each other, even though they sometimes don’t show it. 🥰

This is their “look how fit and fabulous we are!” shot. 


Thursday morning as we were checking all the drawers (the house was sold with all the furniture) we found a drawer of files we’d somehow missed! Doh! We got that settled and finished the laundry and had one last delicious Flying Biscuit brekkie. I offered to go somewhere else, but my dad loves me so he took me there one more time. And then it was goodbye to his cute Palo Alto house. It’s been a good little home and now it’s on to greener pastures in NY. 

Dad and Amy were on the same flight, so I said my goodbyes at the airport and then my flight was delayed but I made it home and that’s what matters. 

And the girls loved their Disney world shirts from papa!

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