Saturday, August 30, 2014

Chris and Ad's go to the dr

I took the school goers to the dr the day before school started, and then lex and laney after, since they didn't have any school to miss. But when I told them who their dr buddy was, lex was like "oh, but I go with Addie," and Chris said "oh no, I go with laney." We are such creatures of habit. (:
Big girl is 45 pounds (50th %) and 47 inches (75th %). And they all just barely humor all my picture taking. 
My baby has been taller than me for a long time.  He's 131 lbs and 67 inches tall.  He's pretty short. (: Maybe we'll hit a growth spurt before graduation?
No glasses needed for this chic!
I love how intently they always listen to their hearing tests. So precious. 
Doling out some kind of important information. (;
Dr Molly totally gives Chris a hard time. We like her, hopefully she doesn't leave like all the other dr's. Need to find her a county boy to marry. (;
Everybody loves her stethoscope toys. (;
I don't even know...
Ticklish kiddies. (:
After our check ups we headed over to the school for open house. We put away her school supplies and talked to her teacher. Then we stayed to help man the PTA booth, and then to make a deposit. Fun, fun!!! And Addie gets a locker! Exciting stuff!

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