Monday, February 15, 2021

Day #337

The one called Valentine’s Day.

Delaney is so sweet. She spread these hearts across the threshold of each of our bedroom doors after everyone had fallen asleep last night. She didn’t do her own, so I gathered up some from each and spread some love to her door too. 

I came down to personalized donuts ala Alli. I thought she’d ordered them and Dunkin had gotten fancy, but she wrote the names herself. It was very sweet. 

We had sacrament meeting and Sunday school and then organized valentines to deliver for our ward valentine swap. We delivered Millie’s too, so we had 4 of each and lots of houses to drop off at, so we put each household in a separate bag. Addie also made valentines forthe girls in her YW class, so that was sweet. 

Somewhere along the way as we were organizing, we discovered, and not easily I might add, that Frankie never wrote out her neighborhood valentines. Even though I had talked to her about it, handed her my iPad with all the names listed and told her to write them, and then checked with her when I retrieved the iPad an hour later. This is life with a learning disability. I know she’s not being willfully obstinate, something just didn’t click for her. And it shouldn’t have been a big deal, but with some earlier frustrations for me, plus the organizing of the millions of other valentines, plus the valentines received already littered across our island, plus the interrogation of trying to figure out what had happened and why they hadn’t been written, or if some had, but not all, it just turned into a fiasco and my patience was gone. Many frustrations lead to a snappy mom. That was kind of a theme of the day. Frustration mountain, over the mountain, frustration mountain, and repeat. Thank goodness we know earth is forgiveness school and we’re fairly decent at apologizing. 

We delivered our valentines and I hope it was still fun, in spite of the drama. When we got home Delaney made a cute scavenger hunt for us and was running ahead of us as we figured out the clues. Our prize consisted of a heart plate with tiny pieces of paper that said things like “you go girl!” and “happy Valentine’s Day, love!” next to little treats for each of us. Mine was a Hershey kiss, which we do not have in the house and when I asked her where it came from she told me 5 Below. That’s sweet because we haven’t been shopping there in awhile, so she bought these treats awhile ago and saved them. She also cut up an old pjs top of mine (that would never stay buttoned and that I donated for their sewing exploits) and set up a heart confetti drop. The cool thing about all her heart confetti is that she used it all day and picked it up each time with us asking or any fanfare. 

We went for a walk to deliver Frankie’s neighborhood valentines, but I bowed out after a bit to prepare dinner. I hadn’t planned dinner, (pandemic exhaustion) so Frankie came up with the idea for heart pancakes. Everyone loves a nice breakfast dinner, and I’m pretty sure we’ve done this before for V-day. The very cold valentine deliverers made it home just as I finished the last of the pancakes. We had a candlelight dinner and played the Love Game, a game I came up with where we threw out a category and talked about all the things we love. Movies, colors, songs, hobbies. We actually really enjoyed it, partly because it’s easy to love things, but harder to say “this is my favorite” thing. 

Then it was time for my annual scavenger hunt 14 days of valentines wrap up. I write new rhyming clues every year and the girls had so much fun. 

They take turns reading clues and run from place to place. 

Delaney is a dancing fool. 

I always make them run from floor to floor. This year was 1st floor, basement, 2nd floor, basement, 1st floor, garage. 

And a very pandemic gift of a family game and book. For some reason we’ve never read nor watched Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. First step in remedying that. 

We did scriptures and watched an old 2008 talk by Elder Bednar called Pray Always that was so good. Elder Savage had mentioned it last week and Matt and I both had been thinking on what he’d shared, so since we’d finished CFM for the week we added that in. We both immediately said we need to study that some more. I love the idea of every prayer we give linking together for our protection and strength. Beautiful! 

Then we played our new game that had us all laughing. Matt, Frankie, and Addie are serious artists, while Alli, Delaney, and I leave a little something to be desired. It was fun and silly and a sweet ending to a mostly lovely day, so a lot like life. And more of Delaney’s heart confetti. She had a solo dance party and threw it from her robe pockets like a 9-year-old Hugh Hefner (on account of the robe and crazy dancing), but then she dutifully picked it up for the 10th time that day. Without us asking even. 

After the girls went to bed Matt and I finished Turn: Washington’s Spies about the Culper spy ring and it was so good. That’s two so goods in one post, so it’s a pretty big deal. This was another recommendation I had in my list on my phone so I have no clue who recommended it or when, but when we started watching it I had no idea it was based on real people and actual events. The history of the beginnings of our little nation is so fascinating and there were tons of “bad guys” that did good things and “good guys” that did bad things and I don’t think I’m done with early American spies just yet. 

And finally, these brothers in Montana are the absolute sweetest and we are so excited to see them in a few weeks!

I have always said Emmett has a giant head and also I love how much he loves his baby brother!

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