Sunday, February 14, 2021

Day #336

We had a sleet and ice storm today, so we all mostly just stayed inside. I didn’t feel great, so we all watched a lot of tv. Not something we do frequently and the weather called for it. 

How perfect is little Carter?! I love silly newborn smiles. 

This was a picture Lu shared to announce Carter’s name a few months ago. 

And the one she shared today to announce his birth. I love squished up newborns! Newborn babies all around are just so perfectly delicious. She said Emmett is so sweet with him and offered him snacks and juice, but also has wanted Lexi to hold him all day too. New babies are wonderful and also take a lot of getting used to. 

Everyone took bath bomb baths in our big bathtub, and this is how Delaney was laying, all stretched out and eating goldfish. 

Addie went to a small neighborhood chess club tonight. They got pizza and played several rounds and everyone had a good time. 

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