Sunday, January 9, 2022

Snowy week

Now that I’ve caught up on our fun Christmas break, on to this week. 

Tuesday was another nice snow day, but we spent the day inside. After our busy break, I was ok with that. 

We ventured out in our cars twice all week, first to go to the dentist and orthodontist on Tuesday. Delaney’s expander came out (again), but thankfully we were able to get her an appt at the same time as Frankie’s ortho. Matt dropped Frankie and I off at the Wildwood shopping center and then took D to her appt. Franks and I perused some of the stores there till it was time for her appt. She’ll get her bottom braces next month!

Matt and d weren’t finished yet, so we wandered towards Ulta and Belk, but both were randomly closed. We’d already been to the other stores, and it was super cold, so we settled for cheesy fries from Outback. Score. 

As I was de-Christmassing I found two wrapped gifts that I’d forgotten about. D opened hers before school on Wednesday. We had a late start and that was amazing. 

And Frankie opened hers after. They got garbage cans! Fun, right? But they had been asking for them and I’m all about practical gifts. 

Frankie and I have been pretty good about tutoring. She just started book 7, and there are 10 books, so we’re on the tail end. I used my mini tutoring pencil every chance I had over break and everyone laughed at me, so I had to share that mini pencil had recorded its last skull king score and then threw it away. 

On the 6th I made my first King Cake from scratch. I didn’t realize my recipe made 2, but it worked out because I wanted to take one to our neighbors that had sent us a delicious tres leches cake and we still had their cake container. This was the pretty one, ours wasn’t as pretty, but was very tasty. 

Covid is bananas again. Or still? This is twice that our family has relaxed our Covid standards and then a new variant comes along and cases skyrocket. Thankfully Omicron’s symptoms aren’t too bad, but it’s very contagious. All of our area hospitals have sent these messages out asking people to be safe, avoid the ER if you can, and don’t call an ambulance unless it’s a real emergency. I saw on our health dept website that there are no available beds at our hospital and they said ER wait times have been as long as 24 hours. I read an article the other day about healthcare workers taking their own lives due to the strain this never ending pandemic has put on them, and having to watch people die day after day. It can feel so sad and hard and heavy. Thankfully we have vaccines and other new ways to treat Covid, including a pill that seems promising. 

On Thursday night Elizabeth, Grace, and I met with the stake presidency to talk about plans for the stake going forward with the latest Covid surge. Navigating through Covid, in addition to everything else that goes into running a stake is a lot, and I an so grateful for, and pray for our wonderful stake presidency. After a lot of thought, prayer, and counseling, they decided to cancel 2nd hour meetings for the rest of the month. Then they will leave to bishops and branch presidents to decide about activities. For me, if we can alleviate the strain for a little while longer, Omicron is supposed to burn itself out soon, and then I’m praying all the prayers that we can still have our temple open house. I know the adversary will do everything he can to prevent the miracles that the open house will bring to our area, and we’re so close! We were going to have some area wide broadcasts where everyone was supposed to meet together to watch them, and our area presidency cancelled those too, so we are following their lead. 

And now back to King Cake. (Going in order of my pics and screenshots sometimes makes for a discombobulated read) Adi found the baby the next day, so good luck for her. She deserves it. She continues to be such a sweet and wonderful girl. She’s a people pleaser, which I don’t always love, but it does make it easy to parent her. She never needs much correction and she’s so kind and thoughtful. I love watching her grow up. 

On Friday Frankie got to go back to ju jitsu and we signed her up and got her gee. She likes it a lot. 

She can’t wait to wear this bad boy to class!

Emily Freeman is sharing a prayer everyday for 2022 and I love it. This one especially resonated with me. It’s so easy to be blinded, but I always want to be able to see what Heavenly Father wants me to see, even if it’s hard to admit I’ve been wrong. 

Yesterday we took the crew to see Sing 2 (so cute!) and then Adi begged to go the the Lexington park library. Delaney had worn her pj’s to the movies, and subsequently the library.

Then we enjoyed some Panda Express for lunch before we finished de-Christmassing the house together. We sent this to bubba before he headed to his first post basic training army training. 

I love when Christmas decor goes up and I love when it comes down. One of my favorites is my Christmas cards. I love having them in the kitchen where I get to see them all day. And the way that even before we have lots of cards, the ribbons make the cabinets look like presents. So fun and festive. We’re getting back on our old habit of saving our cards and picking one each week to pray for that family. I don’t know when we stopped doing that, but that’s a tradition that I love, and it’s back for 2022. 

We have 12:00 church this year. I had hoped to go to the Calvert and Bayside wards today, but with Covid surging and no second hour that didn’t happen. Going to church with my family has become special to me now that I don’t do it every week, so that was nice too. 

Now to balance meetings, of which we have many, and family study time. It gets tricky when different family members are anxiously engaged in different organizations and meetings. Even with all the meetings, we love the sabbath day. 

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