Thursday, January 6, 2022

Christmas Day 2021

Christmas morning 2021! Matt, papa, and Cade are triplets. They would have been quadruplets, but bubba and jeanne were feeling the family crunch of everyone wanting to spend time with them, so they were at Jeanne’s house Christmas morning. 

That bare shelf behind us drives me crazy. I ordered a really pretty picture from deseret book, but it still hasn’t shown up. 

Silly shot. D has been jumping in front of the camera for silly shots for awhile now, and although she’s pretty much perfected it, as seen below, it’s annoying as heck. 

Silly shot take 2. 

I’m pretty rubbish at Christmas morning pictures. But when your subject is adorbs, it doesn’t matter as much. 

We took turns opening (mostly) and snacked on stocking candy. Frankie’s favorite gift was a small bracelet with an  inscription on the inside that says “beautiful girl, you will do amazing things.” She cried and gave me the biggest hug, and she wears it every day. 💕

Adi’s fav present was her dosimeter from Alexis. She’s an interesting chic. 

Carter leaked through his matching jams so spent the morning nakey. 

When Emmett saw this book he immediately started asking for a cookie. 

He’s the sweetest. 

They didn’t want a lot to take home, so we got a few books and small airplane toys for the boys. 

Alli read to Emmi as he enjoyed his cookie. 

I made a breakfast casserole papa had found and we all enjoyed my subpar casserole making skills for brekkie. 

Auntie Alli got everyone tickets to the new Spider-Man movie and mimi and pappy stayed home with babies. Lots of baby pics to send to an anxious mommy commenced. Including this goofy one of a snacking car baby. 

We also had Alli’s baby, so we bundled everyone up and headed for a long walk. 

Snuggle bug. 

Both boys did great while everyone was gone, but it was a lot of work and I was glad Matt stayed home with me. 


It was a warm 60° Christmas Day. Matt spent time outside with Emmi and T since it was so nice. 

We played and played. 

We had appetizers for dinner and had just the most lovely of Christmas days.