Tuesday, January 4, 2022


We were supposed to be back to school on Monday but hooray, snow day! We were all rooting for it and just hoping they’d call it before bedtime so we didn’t have to wake up early. We did Come Follow Me early’ish Sunday evening and Frankie offered a family prayer, including asking for snow. During the prayer we heard our phones buzz, which was the announcement of school being cancelled. A little faith boost for the under 13 crowd. πŸ™ŒπŸΌ❄️

I’ve been staying up way too late, so when I came down yesterday morning the girls were already enjoying the snow. 

I sent this one to Amy and we were all so grateful the winter wonderland waited till everyone made it safely home!

It was windy and still snowing till that afternoon. The girls did some chores, ate lunch, and headed back out for more snow fun. 

I did roughly a million loads of laundry. We had lots of visitors for a lot of days, and it was so great, but also leaves so much work. Also vacuuming and just tidying up in general. I wanted to help Matt shovel, but kept giving a mouse a cookie’ing it. I finally did make it out to do half our driveway. It was heavy and wet and exhausting! But it feels good to workout and be productive. I was so bummed last night when I found that my Apple Watch had been turned off all day. I moved a ton and was excited to see my progress. 😩

We had a nice family night. Frankie shared president Nelson’s guidance about resolutions, we caught up on CFM, and then ate brownies and ice cream while Delaney beat us at Skull King. 

Today is another snow day. πŸ™ŒπŸΌ Thankfully we haven’t had to go anywhere, because there’s lots of trees down and roads are mostly good, but not all. Poor Alli had to work this morning and Annapolis is kind of a mess. We’re thankful to stay home. 

Carter fell asleep halfway through his lunch. I miss this precious boy!

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