Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Beginning of Christmas break

We got an extra long break this year and I was here for it. The girls finished school on December 17th. Alexis and crew flew in the evening of the 22nd. Matt had gotten the opportunity to go to a concert with Dan in VA, Adi had yw and Laney wanted to stay home alone, so Frankie came to the airport with me to pick them up. The boys were tired, but so so good as we finished up their long day of travel. The next morning Rainbow Ellie Sparkles had a fun surprise for the crew.
Adi reminded me that we had small skittle packs leftover from Halloween and we were gtg. 

Everyone was excited as the skittles made a liquid rainbow. 


It was so cool!

10/10 recommend this fun and easy elf activity. 

One of our first orders of business was finding this cutie a high chair. I probably should just buy one to keep here, but we’ve got to organize our shed before I bring any other big things into this joint. A neighbor delivered one within an hour of my request, we’ve got the best neighbors!

Emmi loved all of our kid nativities. I got this one from Leisa at a Darrow Christmas party years ago. 💕

Baby Jesus is always a fav. 

Another early order of business was family picture outfit planning. We hardly had to buy anything new this year. Matt got some dickies he’s been wanting and Lexi got the boys new outfits, and Chris actually had to go shopping because he didn’t bring anything, but other than that we were good. 😂 

Christian came in on the 23rd and it was SO wonderful to have everyone home for the first time in a very long time. 

Carter was a little shy this visit, but he was fine as long as he couldn’t see mommy or daddy. 

I love when the girls wear these goofy hats. 😂

So mike and cami bought tickets for Dan and chantell’s family to go see Puddles Pity Party - a performer they all like. But then Rye couldn’t go, so they texted Matt on the 21st to see if he wanted to drive down and go with them on the 22nd. I was all for it since I know how much Matt loves concerts, and so he was off. They dressed up silly style for it and chantell sent me this amazing pic. 

He had so much fun and came back the evening of the 23rd to our very full house happy and with a full cup. He also came bearing gifts, chantell sent these fun glasses that make different shapes out of lights. They made Santa’s, gingerbread men, stars, and Christmas trees. They were so cool! That was also the night we watched a hallmark movie Dear Christmas where we discovered Lexi actually doesn’t like cheesy hallmark movies. It was a nice evening together and we all enjoyed laughing at our silly movie. 

Kids these days are so artsy and creative with technology. 

The next morning (Christmas Eve!) was picture time. Always slightly stressful, we tried to make it as smooth and easy as possible with 12 people. I knew I’d never find a photographer for Christmas Eve and I really wanted to get Christmas cards out asap, so we had dad take them just at the front of our neighborhood. 

Love this boy!

This was the best of the best. It was cold and Emmett was in a mood. It was a cloudy morning and the lighting wasn’t great. Papa was a patient photographer and I’m happy with what we got. Lexi and I went straight to papa’s to go through them, and after going through 600+ we’d only put 3 in the maybe folder. Lexi thought this one with Emmett’s head turned was better than Emmett looking sad, so here we are. Someday everyone will be happily looking at the camera. This mimi loves any picture of us all together. 

My dad shared an outtake on our family Fb group page. 😂 Alli teased that Lexi could just photoshop our heads since she’s done some photoshopping with the boys before. Photoshop is always kind of sketchy and always fun to laugh at.

Lexi quickly posted that she’d fixed our pic. 😂😂😂 notice that Lexi and Chris were the only 2 that were ready. Years of pictures with their 3 little sisters and training from me to always be ready kicking in right there. 

Cade and Lu had some shopping to do that afternoon, so we happily kept the boys. 

This shot was taken right after Emmett had knocked Kiki on the head with the wrapping paper roll. E called F Kiki back before he could say Frankie and we love his pet name for her. 

Matt chose his grandpa name! He’s decided he’s pappy. Mimi and Pappy sounds so southern white classy and I love it. So anywho, mimi, Pappy, and Kiki (look at us go) took the babes for a walk. There was a giant, like 15ft tall snowman at the beginning of our neighborhood that Emmi loved. As we were walking home this day, the snowman was laying down and Frankie said “oh no, he’s dead.” We quickly corrected her for the 2-year-old that the snowman was just sleeping, that silly snowman. And silly Frankie. That became an easy distraction anytime we needed it with Emmi. We’d ask if the snowman was sleeping or awake. He loved it. 

We sent lots of pictures to assure Lu everyone was happy. 

Chillin’ in the hood. 

Then this huge flock of birds flew over us and it was kind of gross. It went on for a long time, there were so many!

We also went to a fun soup open house at the Zobell’s where it looks like I didn’t take any pictures. 🤷‍♀️ That night we had a little Christmas Eve miracle when staples sent me a message that our cards were done! We picked them up with 15 minutes to spare before they closed at 6. Then we met the crew at flatiron farms for our Christmas Eve tradition. 

This year was called “A Casual Christmas at Flatiron Farms.” The owners sold their light display, but some of the family is still trying to keep the fun going.  The shops were open with hot chocolate and other treats. Including giant marshmallows. 

He ate that whole thing and he ate it fast!

Just like his mimi. 

One cool thing this year was a Grinch Hayride. Cindy Lu Who read us the story and the Grinch drove the tractor. Surprise flash. 😂

It wasn’t too chilly and was a fun change. 

Delaney and papa were there too, even though Lexi only got half their faces in. 

I’d love to know what was so funny. My two big girls. 💕

After the hayride we headed home, picked up our pizza, and opened our new Christmas Jammie’s. Bubba and jeanne came over after papa had left and the boys had gone to sleep, so no Jammie pics on Christmas Eve. After the boys went to sleep we played Throw Throw Burrito and Throw Throw Avocado and that was fun and silly. 

The adults filled the stockings and set out the Santa gift, and chatted and had a lovely lovely Christmas Eve. 🎄 🌟 

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