Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Well hello again

Oopsie, I missed a few days. Working backwards. Delaney was our only 5th grader during Makerspace for the second time this year. She dutifully worked her marble board and came up with some smart design ideas. I love the way her brain works. 

I was in our ward Sunday and then we had an adult fireside that night. It rained all day and was a lovely slow Sunday. 

We cleaned the church on Saturday then went to see Super Mario Brothers, which actually was better than I thought it would be. 

D is prepping for her Battle of the Books competition, and reread the 1st Harry Potter. Then she decided she wanted to read all of them and has been reading our illustrated copies. I found her happily reading in her closet one day.

Jeanne popped over on Friday to deliver Frankie’s birthday gift. She wanted to be a rule follower and not mail perfume. 

Also Friday Frankie had a field trip to Elm’s Beach and it rained all.day. I was so dreading it!

We met in the house and he gave all the kids jobs before we headed out into the downpour. 

It was crazy, raining sideways and windy windy. 

Lots of kids had absolutely zero rain gear. 

The water was so choppy, I do love a stormy sea.  

It actually wasn’t as bad as I worried it would be. We only ventured out once to the pond and the bay and spent the rest of the day inside, and I always learn every time I go. 

We did get pretty wet though. 

And the classroom got musty with ode’de’7th grader. 

On Thursday I met my old counselor Rebecca at the temple. We worshipped together, then went to lunch at a delicious Mediterranean restaurant. She’s in the DC Stake RS presidency now and it was fun to compare notes and get ideas and of course catch up on her cute family. 

We FaceTimed the Montana crew and our video froze on Car Car.  ðŸ˜‚

Last time I went to Aldi they had Easter houses for $.78 so I got each of the girls one. So far D’s the only one that’s out hers together and she’s been enjoying eating off it all week. 

I’m a simple gal, so I thought this needed to be commemorated. 

We went to a pasta sale in Montana and I brought back a 10lb. Bag of Pasta Montana so I sent Lu a pic of our cute pasta shapes. 

Uncle Frey invited Delaney and Max to a Poekemon Fest this summer and when I asked if she’d like to go she made this face and said “Absolutely.” Oh, the life of a nerd. 

Matt worked from home one day so we went to lunch at Do Dah Deli then went for a hike. 

Darkness. All the Bed Bath and Beyond stores are closing and I feel this in my soul. 

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