Monday, February 20, 2023

I took Frankie to the orthodontist and we walked around Bed Bath and Beyond since it’s closing. Sad sad. 

She’s only got about 6 more months of braces! ๐ŸŽ‰ 

Delaney needed a picture for primary activities and didn’t like the few I’d picked, so we headed to the porch for a quick photo shoot and then I printed one. What a life!

Matt took the girls to ju jitsu and church that evening and I went for a lovely long evening run. The sun was setting and it was warm (it’s been in the 60’s) and I was listening to a good book. 

Christian asked for my white chicken chili recipe and later sent this pic. He said it was a crowd favorite and that made me happy. 

I worked on Women’s Conference and we had our best Relief Society Roundtable Thursday evening. 

On Friday Adi made her debut on L-tv. For heart health month they did a video about how to do cpr and she was the star. She was pretty proud. 

Friday was lovely. Matt and I were able to go to the temple with Josh and Alecia. We participated in an endowment session and they’ve made so many adjustments, it was a little bit mind blowing. I can’t wait to go back! Then we went upstairs to do sealings and I was able to seal my mom to her parents. It was a tender experience and I’m so grateful. 

We didn’t think to grab a picture and then they had to get home to get Emma to dance so we didn’t have time for lunch, but Matt and I continued our date day with dinner at Oga’s. 

Saturday was a free day and we all went to the park to play tennis. It was freezing but we were running around and we had so much fun that we stayed for 2 hours. My arm is still sore, but in a good way. 

That evening I went to Sara Reed’s baby shower and then we had a movie night. 

I was in our ward Sunday and then met with President Boyd after church. I had been working on an email to send to all the women of the stake for women’s conference. I’ve been preparing for a long time, then composing for several days, and I finally sent it Sunday. The church’s email system is super buggy unfortunately, so I always send myself several test emails first, but it sent and the format was fine and I remembered the attachment. ๐ŸŽ‰ It feels good to cross that off my list. 

Frankie and Adi went to babysit. Adi’s been asked to babysit on Sunday before and I left it up to her and she told them no, but Sarah G. had family in town and they needed help and that one felt right. They had 4 4-and-under and were there from 2-9 and both said it went well. Frankie will be 13 next month and can’t wait to babysit on her own. 

The sister missionaries texted that morning and asked for a ride to the visitor center for the Why I Believe Fireside. I had a meeting and couldn’t go, and Adi and Frankie were babysitting, so that left Matt and Delaney. We tried inviting the LP missionaries, but they couldn’t make it. D was not super excited, but we talked to her about serving and she decided she could do that and she did it happily. ๐Ÿ’•

I had a meeting about President Nelson’s counsel to double the church’s humanitarian efforts. Last year the church gave over $9 hundred million and we’ve been asked to double that. It’s exciting and also daunting, but it was a great meeting, and then a few of us stayed on to continue the council. Exciting times to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!

The weather is supposed to be truly bananas this week. From 77° to 42° and snow in 2 days. Definitely feels like spring swings to me. 

We’re all excited for a day off today. Hooray for sleeping past 5:25am! Thanks George Washington!

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