Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Mostly Delaney

D found a heart shaped potato chip and was pretty stoked. 

We had a patriotic spirit week and I took pictures of her with her walking buddies every morning. Red, white, and blue day. 

Only they all didn’t dress up every day, so it didn’t really make sense. 🤷‍♀️ D’s got her camo shirt and Seamus his camo pants this day. 

Wear your favorite branch of service day. I was super surprised Delaney wore Matt’s coat all day! Seamus sported his Australian Army shirt. 

The day I got home from Montana a big group of kids went to see friends from church in The Addam’s Family. Matt and I planned to make it a family affair, but Sarah offered to take the girls and I was super tired from my red eye so we skipped. 

Handsome Cavalry Scout! Christian and jeanne just adopted another kitty and Dorothy and Magnolia are getting along famously. 

I don’t know why I think this is so funny, but it makes me laugh every time I see it. 😂

Next up, a snowy week in Montana. 

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