Thursday, May 4, 2023


I had been trying to find a week to get to Montana since December, and finally the week of Matt’s birthday (sad face) finally worked out. This was my first time going without the little girls, so I could just be Lexi’s mom and I’m so glad I did. I flew in late Wednesday night to snow.

The week before this we’d been in Florida for spring break and it was 90°! It’s amazing I haven’t been sick with all the crazy changes in weather. 

The boys attend a daycare/preschool with a grant and they can’t miss many days, so the next morning we all woke up early to a winter wonderland and we dropped the boys at school. 

Then I got to go with Lu to her office. She works at a different daycare as the director. #bosslady

It snowed all. day. long. 

My routine was drop everybody at school, tidy up, run, grocery shop, prep dinner, pick everybody up, play with boys, do baths and bed, then time with Lu. I remember how tedious bathtime was every (other) night and I really wanted to give Alexis a break. 

We went to the eye doctor one day and sweet Carter needs glasses too. So glasses shopping we went!

The boys were so sweet! They were *so* excited I was there, they were my little fan club. ❤️

On Saturday morning we had a stake relief society president meetup and I want to remember names with faces, so I snapped a quick pick. It is so wonderful to meet up with these ladies every few weeks, I’m getting so many good ideas!

Every time we pass by this old hospital, now office building, the boys, especially Carter, yell “the castle!” I ran by the castle one day and had to show them. Another shot in my ugly running series. 😂

They got these “bubble makers” for Easter but had run out of bubbles, so on one of my many trips for groceries (I was very European shopping almost every day) I picked them up more bubbles, but then we had to wait for the snow to stop. 

They were v excited when we were finally able to use their bubble makers. 

Lunch cuteness. 

They had a birthday party to go to, but it was right during Carter’s nap time, so I volunteered to stay home with him. He and Emmett were both kind of upset, they’re little besties and they weren’t super cool with being separated, so I sent Lexi this pic to let her know all was well. 

We watched a show and read some stories and then he took a nice nap. We both did, honestly. 

One day Lu had a work function in the evening so we had a mimi & boys adventure at McDonald’s. 

I was surprised Emmett was so brave in their play place!

Carter not so much, he was more my buddy and when he did play, he stayed low. 

And for awhile our simple boy played with the wet floor cone. He ring around the rosied around it and just had the best time. 

Emmett was super stoked about the weird masked singer toys we got. 🤷‍♀️

Every morning if I didn’t get to then first, the boys would come in and “wake” me up. And then Carter would stare at me like this while I made the bed and got myself together. He’s SO sweet!

I loved my Montana time and it really is the worst that they are so far away.