Monday, May 8, 2023

Last week

Frankie’s class was in charge of youth activities Wednesday night. They did a talent show, and as president Frankie had a lot of tasks to complete. Lots of presidency texts and checking in with everyone about their performances, then planning out and making the program. She tried delegating, but that didn’t work out so we talked about being in charge and responsible whether others do their tasks or not, either in letting people fail or doing the task yourself. Lots of really good life lessons and I’m so grateful she has the opportunity to serve, she just still needs a lot of guidance.

Frankie went to the orthodontist and Delaney had her 11-year appt. She was super anxious for shots, but admitted it wasn’t that bad. 

Frankie took a pic of her fancy yogurt. 

Chris and Cyndi came over and with the missionaries we taught them about Patriarchal blessings. They always ask really insightful questions and I love being part of their gospel foundation. 

On Wednesday Katie texted and asked if she could come stay with us, which we always love! She and Brax arrived Friday, then that night we hosted a late birthday party for Sarah. I had some cakes I’d been wanting to try making, and Sarah chose this one. I love chocolate and fruit, and cake making, so it was fun. I will figure out my dang ganache someday. Everyone brought nacho bar food since it was Cinco de Mayo and it was a fun night celebrating Sarah. 

There was a Stake Primary activity at the temple visitor center on Saturday. The stake had asked if Delaney would be willing to play some prelude music and since she doesn’t know any primary songs, they said she could play some classical music. She agreed and all seemed fine. Then a few days later she decided she didn’t want to. πŸ™„ I wouldn’t have forced it initially, but she had already agreed so I stuck to my guns. 

Then I had been talking to Grace after stake council about how Delaney is ready to be done with primary, which makes me sad because a - she can be a sassy lady and b - she’s our last primary child and c - she complains about it. And lots of other reasons. Anyways, Grace asked if she might like to bring something to showcase one of the goals she worked on. We talked about it and Delaney came up with showing the Christmas in Germany Keynote presentation she made. We brought our busted iPad to display it. It was a whole uninteresting thing trying to figure out moving it either to our laptop (too old to download keynote) or to my new unbroken iPad - which was my moms. It’s just been sitting around, partly because I don’t know how to wipe it and make it mine and partly because it’s sad to wipe it and make it mine. Anyways, I put it off all week and then it was a little anxious Friday night and Saturday morning trying to figure it out and in the end we used the busted iPad and didn’t have to worry about kids touching it, which of course they did. Long story long, we met up with Alecia and Emma (late because of iPad woes) and I drove Delaney and Emma up to the temple since Matt was working and Frankie and Adi wanted to sleep in. Then of course Delaney got sour about “having to waste my one day to sleep in to go to a little kid activity.” πŸ™„πŸ˜© Even though we had technical issues, there was no drama and we got her all set up. 

She was still v grumpy/sassy about playing prelude music, and then Emma was giving the prayer and feeling nervous, and they both looked so sad sitting on the stand I had to get a pic. Like lambs to the slaughter, these two!

It turned out that there was only one other primary prelude player, so she she’d play I am a child of God, then Delaney would play her song, then they’d switch. Sometimes Delaney would add Fur Elise, or another song she knows, sometimes she’d just play her recital piece. They switched off like that 3 or 4 times. When Grace sat on the stand she talked to Delaney and asked if she’d like to come back and sit with me and D said yes, so then she left her piano buddy high and dry for one more round of swapping, and then the youth piano player took over. Oh Delaney. I’m proud of her that she did it and wish she would have stuck it out the whole time and had a good attitude. But we can’t have everything. 

Emma gave a lovely prayer and after the brief opening program we were off to complete our 8 tasks and fill out our cute passport books. They got to stand next to this life sized angel Moroni and measure themselves in their books. 

We looked at the different sun and moon patterns on the doors and they drew their favs. Then Sis. Naluai had watercolor pencils and they made pictures of themselves with the savior. Delaney was still semi grumpy (fun for all!) but I knew she liked this one and was praying she’d thaw. Emma was a total good sport and happy and walked and talked with me, even when D walked ahead. 

D still salty…

She finally fully thawed at our 6th rotation. They made these really cool stained glass bookmarks. I let them go in by themselves because the room was crowded and they came out so excited to show me. They were really neat and I told them they could do another one if they wanted, so they happily went back in and I got to chat with Jess and hold baby Hudson. It was so fun to see so many families from the stake, and the activity really was wonderful. I know Delaney felt the spirit even though she pouted half the time. They had a temple walk and I wanted to get some pictures, but there was some confusion about the snacks and we had to pick them up in our cars, and I helped Jess since Cody had gone in the temple. Another long story long, apparently Delaney doesn’t have church shoes that fit - both her pairs are too big? I didn’t realize because a - she never said anything and b - I don’t go to church with the fam that often. So she didn’t want to do the walk. And honestly, I’d fought so much already I was kind of done. So we headed to Chicfila and I tried to go shoe shopping but she didn’t want to do that either and see above about being done. 

Emma came home with us for awhile and I helped Frankie finalize her SS lesson, then Matt and I went to a bbq at his work friends house. We took Emma home and dropped Adi off to babysit and it was a very good and full Saturday. 

Matt worked Sunday too and we had a lovely day at church. I had a 3:00 meeting and then we busted the move to the school to decorate teacher doors. I forgot who I am (not creative in this way) and volunteered to do both of Delaney’s teachers and I was hating myself. Not really hating, but it low key stressed me out all week, which made me also put it off all week because I wasn’t quite sure what to do. D and I brainstormed and she’d sketched one door and I had ideas for the other, but it was all very non specific. We only had till 6:00 when they needed to lock the school, so we also didn’t have a ton of time. We had Ellie with us and she helped with one door before she had to go, then Amy and Sephie offered to help with the other door and we finally finished at 6:10, which was stressful but there were still lots of people there.

Most people bought superhero signs and already cut letters. But not this chic. πŸ˜‚ I love to be weird *and* make life difficult. 🀷‍♀️ I just like homemade and I liked that the kids helped even though it definitely looks like they helped. It’s elementary school, right? I liked that ours were very personalized even though they are so very not perfect. I did not let myself super stress because this is very much a first world thing and even though ours were the only doors that were homespun, it’s all fine. πŸ˜‚

We came home to Matt and Brax playing on the porch. 

He loves boys, so he loves Matt and he loves the girls, but he’s still lukewarm with me. So I sat with him and we threw balls down the stairs and went up and down, up and down. 

Then Frankie came and snatched him from me. 

They held hands the whole way down the stairs and it was so sweet!

He was just about ready for bed, so he even let her cradle him for a hot second. 

I texted Laura that these big kids almost killed us but I’m so glad we survived because they are all pretty amazing!

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