Saturday, June 1, 2019

Field day fun

On Wednesday Lexi and I spent all day at the school for field day. Mrs. G’s daughter graduated that day, so she asked me to walk around with her class to make sure everything went smoothly. And the girls guilted Lexi into coming too. 
It was so stupid hot. I think it got up to 94 but with my heat stroke, I can’t be positive. 

Tug of war was my favorite! So funny!

Sisters! V hot sisters!

Laney loves 4-square!

We walked around with the 1st graders from 9-11:45, then ran home to switch laundry and eat as fast as we could. By 12:10 we were at it again with the upper grades. This time I manned the javelin toss station, and Lexi observed from her beach towel on the grass. 

1st grade wore green, 3rd grade blue, and 5th grade pink. And yes, there was drama surrounding this in the morning, why do you ask? Life runs so much more smoothly when we’ve picked outfits ahead of time! 

This was right before a major collision between two fast moving boys that caused a bloody lip and 2 trips to the nurse. 

As kids ran to our station i told them to leave their water bottles and come line up. During one rotation Lexi was standing when they came and they all threw their waters on her towel. šŸ˜‚ I’m so easily amused but her reaction was so funny!

We also saw Addie a few times. 

After the initial javelin toss and run, I made them do silly things like hop and “karaoke” - which is basically a grapevine but for lacrosse and field hockey players. šŸ¤·‍♀️ You learn something new every day. 

It was so hot and felt like the fun would never end, but it eventually did and I’m glad we were able to volunteer. We took the girls home with us and had family napping hour when we got home. Or, Lexi napping, me laying down, and girls watching tv for 30 minutes after I switched over laundry and folded a load of clothes hour, to be precise.  

1 comment:

Smilin' Jack 3 said...

As I was reading your wonderful blog and enjoying ALL the antics one thought continued to run underneath the whole story . . . it was "94 DEGREES"!!!

Yikes!! No way, Jose. Wut you talkin' bout, Willis!?! Ain't happenin'! Not in this lifetime . . . well, you get the picture. Un. Be. Lieve. Able.

Love the pics and all those little athletes!!