Saturday, June 22, 2019

The rest of the last day

We went to our neighborhood ice cream social. I helped with toppings so I didn’t take any pictures, but Chris M. always does a good job. 

Such fun every year. 

Kids go through so many stages, and unfortunately these girls have been going through a difficult and annoying one. They’ve been catty and fighting and yelling at each other more than usual. These two were not being kind so I made them hug it out. 

We went through all the extra school supplies. I’m planning on reusing not only binders and dividers, but also erasers, pencils, and composition books this upcoming year too. 

I had each of the girls go through their books and show me what they’d worked on. 

Frabkie “no pictures!” 
Mommy “click!”

These artist girls. 

More hugging it out. It was a rough few days. 

After swimming for a cold hour, we decide to go see a movie to celebrate. 

We saw Aladdin and it was sooo cute! 

And that officially (again) wraps up our 2018-2019 school year. 🤗

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