Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The sweetest place on earth

A happy and excited  family left the park Thursday evening. 

It was a beautifully pleasant night and we pretty much closer the park down. 

We were eager and fast the next morning, so we drove up to the pay to park window as the employees were arriving and they waved us through for free. 🤗 free parking is the best!

We had a game plan for our first few rides and we were so excited!

These 3 are so fun. We have a really good time together. 

I don’t even know about these poses. 🤷‍♀️

We got there at 8:20 and Chocolate World opened at 9. Rockstars. 

We walked around and took pictures. It was another 10 minutes before anyone else even showed up. 

We looked at my blog at the last time we went to Hershey Park 10 years ago, and decided to recreate some pictures. 

Slightly differed landscaping, but same dad and same Ad. 

So we tried another one, with the next group that arrived about 30 minutes before opening. 

3 kids in both, only 1 the same. I wish all 5 could have come this time. Maybe next time, in 2029. 

Chocolate tour time! We were the first riders. 🤗

I love the delicious smells they pipe through the ride. It was a little overwhelming because there was so much going on everywhere. 

We rode the ride and got our free mini Hershey bars and looked around the factory. 

We had thought about making our own candy bars, but it was super expensive and they have like a set time for it and we wanted to get into the park early.  

Free candy!!! It always taste the best!

This chic would love this giant jolly rancher pack!

And Delaney was all like “I found my souvenir!” and she was totes serious. 

We wanted the “Sweet Sunmer Memories 2019” sign to show, but you get what you get when people take your pic. 🤷‍♀️

From there we meandered over to the park. Delaney perused the map to ensure our game plan protocol. Hershey Park was super fun, but they have a lot of ways they can improve. Like the whole morning process of letting guests in, but that’s a separate thing. 

Our first ride was Reese’s Cupfusion. It’s  Hershey Parks newest ride modeled after Disney worlds Toy Story ride and it was super fun. Then we wanted to ride the Coal Cracker but it was not open, so we hit the Kissing Tower, this time with no tears, thankyouverymuch Delaney. 

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