Friday, June 7, 2019

Mother’s Day 2019

How did I not post about this? 🤷‍♀️ probably because I didn’t take enough pictures. No ward council Sunday’s are luxurious and slowand a gift in themselves. My crew brought me breakfast in bed of eggs, toast, fruit, and oj. 

The rs presidency taught the combined rs and it was really lovely. I based my thoughts around the premise of what does Heavenly Father want his women disciples to be in 2019, because times are a-changing. 

I gave the sisters 3 challenges. 

First, to find little bits of time throughout the day to be holy. Doesn’t have to be long, but sacred moments. Really looking into the eyes of our children as we buckle them, thinking of our saviors atonement as we wash our hands (thank you, Lana for all you taught me!), and focusing in on one sense at a time were some examples I gave. 

Second was to reflect more on our prayers and if we are asking for the right things. Sis Christofferson shared a story at the Women to Women broadcast about a young mom praying for her babies to sleep, and instead switched it to praying she’d have the strength and energy needed to deal with them not sleeping,and her prayers were answered. I know Heavenly Father wants to give us what we need, sometimes we just need to be better about asking Him. 

Finally, to be more confident. The church needs confident women who will share their ideas and impressions with the brethren as we lead the church. This was so hard for me when i was first called, and still is sometimes, but we have been instructed time and again that the church and the world need our voices and perspective. We need to know our stuff to be confident, which means we need to study. Elder christifferson recently talked about how we’ve never had so many good books and good media so available, and it’s because we’ve never needed it more. I hope the women will be confident in their Ministering- not second guessing how things will look or what people will think of them. I hope they’ll be more confident in their callings as they lead and teach. And I hope they will be more confident outside of the church as we strive to live with compassion the saviors 2 great commandments, to love God and to love others. I truly believe the world would function more peacefully if women and men truly worked together in unity. 2019 needs  confident, holy, happy women, and I see them every day. 💕 

I hope I’m raising these girls to be just those kinds of women. 

Matt blew my Mother’s Day gift of out the water, pun intended. He has done some free lance work and was paid in amazon gift cards (don’t ask me, I don’t get it either) and he got me the coveted Dyson hair dryer. This thing is powerful!

It’s taking some getting used to, but I keep my hair dryers forever so I’ve got some time. 

For dinner he made a delicious lemon pasta I had pinned, it was such a fresh burst of flavors, i loved it! And I had such a nice day being loved on and pampered. 

The next day was a dental day 

This little snaggle tooth really did not want her tooth pulled, but after some time and reflection decided to go for it. 

This little piggy would bring 5 books everywhere we go if I let her. I’m usually able to whittle it down to 2. Hopefully someday a 2 hour dental appt will be a 1 book expedition, but only time will tell. 

This little piggy still needs to revisit the orthodontist I’ve called three times and managed to catch them during training and lunch each time. I’ve got a good feeling about the next time I call though, it’s gonna work. 🤞🏼

Taaaa daaaa! Snaggle tooth no more! And her big tooth is already growing in a ton, that baby tooth was so ready to come out!

Checking out her big girl gap!

We had no cavities, hallelujah! But I do have a crown that needs replacing, because of course. Thankfully it’s one they did a few years ago, so I won’t have to pay anything over insurance, but it’s still annoying. I’ve already been in for part 1, now just waiting for the new crown to be completed.. 

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